
I got B's and C's in sophomore of high school and A's in junior year, am i still screwed for colleges?

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sophomore year: Junior year

Spanish 2 (C-) Pre-calculus honors (A)

English 2 (B-) AP chemistry (A)

Algebra 2 (C+) English 3 (A)

Chemistry Honors (B) Spanish 3/4 (A)

World HIstory Geography (B) U.S history (A-) honors orchestra and sports (varsity both years)




  1. You should first be congratulated for turning around your grades! It takes a lot of maturity and discipline to make that type of change, and now you'll have a lot more options when it comes time to applying for college. Yes, the entire academic record is important, but admission officers are going to look more closely at how you are doing in 11th and 12th grade. They'll take note of how your grades have improved, and they'll look for comments from teachers or counselors who have also noticed your increased efforts. In your situation, recommendation letters play a valuable role because they can often explain a shift in grades or growth in character.

    Be sure you are applying to several colleges or universities where you know your academic record is on par with the average admitted student. And, of course, it's not all about grades. Capitalize on the strengths in your application. You should be proud of all you have achieved, and many schools will be impressed with your accomplishments.  

  2. Don't worry about it. Colleges don't expect you to have perfect grades. They just want to see that you try hard. Just keep doing the best you can and get the best grades that you're able. Almost anybody can get into college somewhere, it's getting through it that takes the real effort, but it's not as hard for everybody as some would have you believe. There's plenty of successful people who got C's and even less in both high school and college. Not that I'm by ANY means saying it isn't important to get good grades, just don't pressure yourself to an unreasonable extreme. Just do your very best and accept it for what it is.

  3. Keep your grades up in your senior year, and it will look like you "saw the light" and stopped messing around.

  4. You're not screwed, but you're also not going to get into a top college. You can go to 90% of the colleges in the US though.

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