
I got Cought Shoplifting and ran away ?

by  |  earlier

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Ok so i was trying to unpack somthing in this store and this chines owner comes up and asks me .. whats in the bag? i said nothing

and he grabbed the bag and i ran away... lol

i had nothing else in the bag soo nothing will happen rite?

the item was like 39 dollars.. lol




  1. i hope that u have learned your lesson but apparently not since you think that it is funny to take someones hard earned money

  2. Don't still, you will get caught. In most department stores, they have a lot of cameras. And even though its usuallyy only one person watching them. They look for people they see walking around suspiciously. If they happen to watch you while your walking around and trying to take stuff. Its all over. It might not happen the first time you steal from a department store. Maybe not the first 20, but eventually you will and you will get caught. Unless of course your really fast and can just out run there security. lol :)  

  3. I know as a tax payer I really appreciate thugs like you running up our taxes and shopping expense.  You are a loser!


  4. if had a pic or id in the bag maybe but they will never find you

  5. why would you run if you did nothing wrong..besides, ever hear of video survailance...get a grip and dont take things you dont pay for, youre lucky you dint get shot...dumb


    Shoplifting is not funny. Get a job and buy what you need.

  7. If you had nothing to identify you in the bag, then you probably got away.

    Let this be a lesson to you.  

  8. you didn't steal anything so you cant get in trouble for that. If you opened the item and then ran, you still did not steal anything. The worst thing that could happen is you pay for what you opened, but since you did not leave anything to be traced back to you, then you have no worries.

    Never goto that store again, or at least for a few years.

    And stealing is dangerous. It however does not "raise taxes" so taxpayers shouldn't care. Wal-mart costs taxpayers more than petty thieves do. It will 'eventually' raise the price the store sells items at, but thats more affected by economy than thieves.

    Be safe.

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