
I got a 1984 chevy caprice, I'm going to install 4 12" L7 kickers with 2 amps. How should I set it up???

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I got a 1984 chevy caprice, I'm going to install 4 12" L7 kickers with 2 amps. How should I set it up???




  1. In a car that won't self destruct in the next 5000 miles.

    You're pi**ing your money away, dude.

  2. there is no need for  four 12 L7's you can get 2 in that trunk with the maximum box size 6.5 cubic feet and that will bang just as hard as 4 12"s in little boxes.  if you use ported boxes the those subs are only 600 rms each if you go with sealed boxes then they are 750 rms each.

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