
I got a 3 on AP Euro 2008. I know there is no way I did this poorly. Is there anything I can do?

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I studied more for this test than I did for any test I have ever taken. I know I can ask for a rescore of the multiple choice but I think the proctor may have been in a bad mood or something. Is there anyway I can have my essays rescored or anything I can do because I'm positive I didn't get a 3. There were kids in my class that I did so much better than during the year that got 4's and 5's. Please help. Thanks!




  1. It doesn't matter if the proctor was in a bad mood or not, they don't grade the tests. You also have to remember that something like 35% of students who take the test recieve 3's. It's the most common grade. You might have messed up your fill-in sheet or something? Or maybe your essay weren't exactly what they were looking for. And besides, a 3 isn't that bad, if you figure that 50% of students who take the test, fail. [[ 1's and 2's ]]. And I take it you did pretty well in the class, which excelling in difficult classes is appealing to colleges. You'll be fine. :)

  2. this means other people in the rest of the United States did better than you. it is posible you bubbled in incorrect answers even though you knew the right answers.

    i do not think you can do anything right now. if you studied really hard you can take another test in college to get credit for European history.

    good lcuk

  3. You're right, changes are you bombed an essay.  So rescore it.  But to be honest, a 3 isn't bad.  And colleges don't care.  At all.  I applied to top schools like Stanford and Berkeley and they don't factor them in at all.  They ask you to self-report them, which means they don't check, and if they don't check, they don't care.  Focus on SAT and SAT2s.  Those they get reports on, and they matter.

    But still study next year for the credit you'll get.  Here's a great resource for you to prepare for the AP Test.

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