
I got a $300 ticket in Las Vegas for going past the stopline - first offense. I live in MA. Should I pay?

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I know most places have non-resident motorist statutes to get jurisdiction over you, but does anyone know what Las Vegas in particular does, and whether my home state would enforce a ticket or summons for failure to appear on Vegas' behalf?

I have had one ticket in six years, and none in Vegas, and I really would prefer not to let some pretend cop on a motor scooter hit up my wallet and driving record just because they like to nail tourists.




  1. What happens in Vegas NO LONGER STAYS IN VEGAS, sorry to say,  you best pay the ticket. But you can call the Vegas Court Cleark  and ask what you can do to get the ticket not to show up on your driving record.

  2. Just pay the ticket. They won't come and get you for a ticket in your home state but they will suspend your license. Then it is going to cost way more than just the $300 to get it fixed.

  3. If you do not pay the ticket, the Nevada court can order a warrant for your arrest.  It can also order a suspension of your driving privileges. A copy of this Order of Suspension will then be sent to your home state, where the MA DMV can then suspend your MA license for the Nevada violation.

    Secondly, I don't think it was a "pretend cop" that issued the ticket, and if you don't pay it, you can find out how non-pretend he/she can be.

  4. If you don't take care of it, they could issue a warrant for your arrest that could come back to haunt you on a future traffic stop anywhere in the country.

  5. Go tell the Vegas Metro police they are pretend cops!

    It will go on your record.

    When you get stopped, a warrant will show.

    You could be taken to jail each time you get stopped.

    Much better to pay it.

  6. i dont think u would have to pay it since u dont live there it wouldnt matter much since u live in a different state  

  7. The court will issue the warrant, but the prosecutor will not agree to extradict.  So, next time you deal with a MA cop, he finds the warrant in the NCIC and arrests you.  A couple days later he finds out that they will not extradict, and they let you go but the warrant stays in the system.  So, the next time you deal with a cop you get arrested again and go to jail for a couple days again and then they let you go again but the warrant stays in the system, etc.  I know a fellow that has been arrested 6 times for a traffic warrant and spent a total of 15 days in jail over the last 20 years.  The warrant will never be quashed and will remain in the system forever.  

  8. Here is what will happen.....

    It is the 21st century and eventually your MA license will be suspended. You will find that out later. So when that happens you will have to prove to MA that you are cleared with NV.

    I will keep it simple...... pay now or have the problem snowball into big bucks later plus a huge insurance hit.  

  9. Yes, even though it's so annoying, you should probably pay it.  Or else it will go on your record and there could be a warrant issued for your arrest (at least that's how it works in Canada).  I hear ya though, we have all of these sheriffs and peace officers on the roads that in my mind are not part of the regular city police, but are handing out tickets left and right!  Yeah, it makes it hard to want to pay them, but you really should!

  10. Pay up or challenge it in court.  By all means don't ignore it.  One day you may be stopped there again and they will look you up and off to jail you will go for refusing to pay a fine.  Don't mess with them.  Pay and go on with your life.  Its not the end of the world.  Its a stupid ticket but that's how they pay for their roads etc.  You got caught doing something everyone does , just go along with it.  Pay it and swear to yourself when you do and let it go.  Just don't go over the line again.  

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