
I got a 97 on the June 08 Livign Environment Regents. Is that astounding for this type of test or just great??

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I got a 97 on the June 08 Livign Environment Regents. Is that astounding for this type of test or just great??




  1. thats really good!! How do u know what u got?????!!!!!

  2. Hey Nick! I got a 99. If you got a 95+ it is outstanding. Period.

  3. A 97 is definitely a commendable score, as is any score over a 90 on a high-stakes examination such as the Regents Examinations.  I am not so sure I would call it astounding, however, since there are some people who gets 98s, 99s, and 100s on the exam.  If very, very few people score above a 97 then it would be astounding.  It also depends on how you did in relation to your classmates; if you score a solid 20 points above the class average or 10 points higher than the next highest scorer, then that would be astounding based on your environment.

  4. how do you know what you got?????!!?!?!?!?!!!!??!?!?!?!!?

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