
I got a Chinese Dwarf Hamster and he stinks, his cage is very clean, i clean him with a wipe what do i do?

by  |  earlier

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Also, why doea he have a big saggy butt???????




  1. Male hamsters normally have a bigger behind due their genitals located at the rear end, hence it is completely normal.

    Do not clean him often with wet wipes, it can strip his fur off the natural oils. Put a one inch thick dish of chinchilla sand (not dust) in his cage. He would learn to roll in the sand and this can clean his fur to a certain extent.

    Probably your hamster is still new and is not yet used to his cage. Once hamsters get used to their cage, they will choose only one corner of the cage to pee and then, you would not get the smell of his pee all across him or the cage.

    Also use a good bedding like Carefresh that can absorb the pee well and not stink.

  2. It's natural that he stinks, he's probably going through puberty and his scent glands are starting to mature. Here's a page for more about scent glands:

    And since your hamster is a he, the "saggy butt" isn't actually a butt, but his balls! My male dwarf hamster has big ones that drag behind him too, sadly. Nothing that can be done about that :/

  3. Hamsters are smelly. That's just the way they are. Do not give them a bath because it might give them the chills and then die.

    If its a boy, that would be the reason for the saggy butt I'm pretty sure :P

  4. mine has a big balls no worries rats have the same thing

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