
I got a Cybershot w120 digital camera but the pictures doesint come out well. What is a good setting in P Mode

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The pics take are not clear and the image quality is poor. What will be a good setting in Program Mode so the images come out well.




  1. Program mode does auto exposure for you, but you can change the shutter/ aperture combo. You can also change the iso, which i suggest you keep it at the lowest setting, like iso 80 or 100. higher iso results in more noise, which may result into the 'dots' you're reffering to. Another reason why your camera has dots and doesnt take sharp pictures is maybe because the lens are dirty. I recommend using a microfiber cloth to clean it(gently!). When zooming, remember to use optical zoom, not digital. Digital only enlarges   the image by cropping it digitally, while optical actually moves the lenses to come close to the subject. Also remember to set the pictures to the highest resolution, so you'll get the most out of your camera. Personally, I think sony doesnt make decent products anymore, so i'll recommend a panasonic or canon, but it's all your choice. =)

  2. It would help a great deal if you had showed us an example. Hard to know what you mean by "poor quality".

    Do you mean they are out of focus? Then the answer is to get a tripod of some sort, even just resting the camera on something and using the timer would help camera shake.

    Or do you mean they look pixellated? Then you need to look at your set-up menu and make sure you have the camera set to highest quality, lowest compression.

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