
I got a Dwi in Louisiana 1st offense,what am i facing?

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I got a Dwi in Louisiana 1st offense,what am i facing?




  1. Depends on the judge...but you could possibly face..

    Consequences of a DWI conviction in Louisiana

    DWI First Offense (Misdemeanor)

    Fine: $300-$1,000 (plus court costs and other fees)

    Jail: 10 days to 6 months (all can be suspended except as set forth below)

    Community Service: 32 hours

    Substance Abuse Evaluation and Driver Improvement School Required.

    If BAC over .15: Minimum mandatory 48 hours jail.

    License Suspension: 90 days

  2. You only have 15 day to request a hearing about the suspension of your license. If you get the hearing there's at least a chance that your license won't be automatically suspended .  If the officers are subpoenaed and they don't show at the D.M.V. hearing on your supension, then you can avoid being suspended. Other than that, if you plead guilty you are facing a fine, 32 hours community service, substance abuse evaluation, driving improvement class. If you took the breathalyzer and blew above .150 then you are facing 48 hours in jail. You better not get a second d.w.i during the next 10 years.  It gets much worse on the second offense. Go see a lawyer.

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