
I got a bad hair Cut from so called professional ?

by Guest62511  |  earlier

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I wanted a short layered hair style, but it's not short and looks nothing like it was suppose to, I though it was going to look like this,

But like half an inch longer, but it doesn't looks like it at all and my bangs are crooked and way to short, and 2 days before I have my middle school orientation, there is no way i can go with my hair like this or star school.




  1. Try going back there and ask if they could maybe fix it. In the mean time try tying your hair up in a pony tail if it's not wayy to short. Clip up your bangs and just try to pick a style that will work with the kind of hair you're having. Or here's what could make it better if you don't have enough time to go back to the hair salon:

    you could do this by yourself or get someone you really trust and knows about hair

    -cut your bangs so they are even (if they aren't to short) or just clip them up with pins.

    -and try cutting parts at the bottom of your hair so all those layers stuff don't show. (if you like what she has done to the bottom keep it but if you don't just try trimming it to be straight again then go back for another cut when you do have the time)

    Don't worry i had a bad haircut once but my hair was long enough to still tie in a pony tail and clip up my bangs.

    good luck x]

  2. wear a distracting top and try putting it up. maybe pin your bangs in a poof if you can. there's not much you can do about the bangs if you've got what i imagined, pixie-short, straight across. :[  

  3. you should of taken the picture to the professional

  4. First of all, go back to the salon or a different salon and ask for help to style what you already have.  I'm sure you'll get some ideas as to help you style your hair until it grows a little.  Don't freak out yet.  Who knows maybe you'll set a new trend.

  5. you could go back and talk to the manager. show him/her the picture. thats happened to me. and it sucks srry dude. :/ try to figure out how your hair will look good with that cut. good luck with your middle school orientation. :)

  6. I don't know wat to tell you, try pulling it back

    honestly I don't care for the pictured hair cut either.

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