
I got a bad spider bite can you help?

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well i'm not sure if it is a spider bite, it has gotton a bit bigger and a bit swollen it is BRIGHT white in the center and BRIGHT pinkish red around it and when i raise my arm up it hurts, it also hurts when i apply pressure, have you ever had a bite

like that? i got it while camping at a camp groung in oregon estacada




  1. I don't know but i do Know that a black spider can be dangerous.

  2. kinda only i had like 20 little ones on my back and i just left it there till it went away,but for u try putting a band-aid on it tightly!!

  3. Clean it with Vodka or rubbing alcohol, then put calamine lotion on it cover and but a heat compress on it

  4. it could be a bite from a brown recluse. you need to go to the doctor and they will help you. but it will only get bigger. the wound will. get to the doctor asap because i think that is what it is. get better! good luck!!!

  5. Go to the Dr's right away, if it's a spider bite it could have been a brown recluse spider. It starts off small but it could cause alot of damage later. I added some images images (very graphic and gross), if that doesn't scare you into go to the Dr.s than nothing will. Better to be safe than sorry.

  6. Sami PLEASE go to the ER before it gets worse!

  7. You need to go to the hospital.

    One girl got bit by a spider at camp also and thought it was nothing, just a little mark. Eventually it got wrose she almost had to lose her leg. But the doctors treated it in time.

  8. yes that is a spider bite. I havent gotten something like this but a friends of mine has.  u have to apply benadrill cream onto it and wrap it so u wont attempt to scratch it. after about 1 week of doing this the bite should become smaller and smaller! the worst thing to do is scratch it! if it does not og away i would say u should see a doctor about it! **** luck!

  9. well it sound to me like nothing serious just an allergic reaction....but i would keep an eye on it though. if you start haveing trouble breating or it turn a puple color than seek medical treatment also keep an ice pack or cold rag on it to reduce swelling

  10. it is really, really bad bite you should go immdeatly to a doctor  and FAST! as far as i know this bite can kill you in 1 week. you should go fast to a doctor

  11. take some benydrill

  12. your going to turn into spiderman's  girl   just playing   the best thing i can say is to go to the doctor  

  13. Yeah, that's a spider bite. Go to the doctor and get that checked out.

  14. could be bad, go see a doctor, i think the white stuff is pus, so if ur in pain, go see a doctor.

  15. it might be a tick

    you need to go to the doctor. if it was a tick you could get lyme disease, which could lead to death

  16. Well, there aren't any bad poisonous spiders around Estacada, but if the pain isn't getting better in two days or it gets infected (swollen and pus), definitely go see a doc.

  17. u gonna be spiderman!!!


  18. go to the ER it could be a black widow bite go as soon as you read this or call 911

  19. sorry sweetie i don't know much of spiders bite but if it gets any bigger go to the doctor.

  20. yay we might have a real life spiderman. well spiderwoman now. :D no seriously, go see a doctor. only they will know what's best for you, because no one on here can see the bite.

  21. use lots of  benadrly spray it works

  22. have you heard of AFTER BITE?

    put ice on it, hydrocrodizome cream on it and if it still getting worse make a doctors appointment but if you can;t make one go to the er they should be able;e to help you out!

  23. It will be somewhat easy to get rid of if you follow these instructions:

    Buy some Charcoal Capsules. Get a plate and twist or cut open the capsule. Pour the contents of the capsule onto the plate. Use only some of the Charcoal inside it. Get a few drops of water on your finger and make a light paste and put it onto a band-aid. Place the band-aid carefully on the affected area. Change the band-aid every once in a while.

    Charcoal is a natural substance and it is highly absorbent.

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