
I got a big problem with my computer.?

by  |  earlier

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when i turn on my computer, instead of opening the welcome screen, it remains black. I have waited 1 hour, but no change. Can you please tell me how can i fix my computer?




  1. ur computer has crashed.. to fix the problem, just get a computer expert to look at ur computer tower thing and they will tell u how to fix it or they will fix it 4 u it costs a fair bit but its worth it if u really need ur computer.. or check if ur computer is plugged in..

  2. just boot you computer in safe F8 when the computer boots (F8 may not work since this is different for different computers..try other similar keys)and then select "safe mode". Once your OS starts, uninstall any new software that you may have installed( some new software may be causing the problem)


    There may be problems with the system files of your OS. if you have the installation disk, insert it. Before the startup screen is shown, the computer will say: "Press any key to boot from disk". press a key and then press "Repair" when the option is given.

  3. make sure its plugged in lol :)

  4. Hi ,

    This problems occurs usually when there is hardware failure

    If ur getting beap sound from ur system probably that would be help full for troubleshooting the hardware

    Like there is a continues beap sound when there is RAM failure

    moreover in case of HDD similar sounds come

    if ur not getting any screen probably there is motherboard failure

    this could also occure when there is High Voltage fluctuation u Can use voltage regulator to handle such cases..


    Shrikant Pillay

  5. Can't you ask your child if he has  any friends that can help or if you are young yourself, ask some of your friends to come and have a look.

    Perhaps it's the fuse or a badly inserted plug or the monitor cable has fallen off the back.

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