
I got a blister in my mouth does this mean i have herpes???

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i kissed some girl about in the first few days of july like 2 weeks later i had a blister in my mouth it went away but i was sick i had diarrhea and a fever but like around the ending of august i had another one but i wasn't sick so do i have herpes or something please some one tell me im freaking out




  1. It might be oral herpes.   Without a swab test its difficult to know.

    Most adults (50% to 80%) have oral herpes.  It's most often caught in childhood from kissing relatives.  It's so incredibly common that most people don't even think about it.  

    If you are very concerned about it, then you should go to a doctor and have them SWAB THE SORE (not do a blood test) the next time you get an outbreak.  

    If it is oral herpes, pretty much all you can do is make sure that you never kiss anyone or perform oral s*x on someone when you have a sore.   Also, if your symptoms are bad, the doctor can give you some medication to help alleviate them.   But there is no cure, and you CAN give someone GENITAL herpes if you perform oral s*x on them.

    I've put a link to my fave herpes site below.  It has lots of RELIABLE information about oral (and genital) herpes.

    Sorry.  Good luck.

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