
I got a bundle package and after installation they changed the quoted prices. Has anyone had this happen?

by Guest58783  |  earlier

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I called Windstream Communications for a bundle package and after installation began I noticed everything was all wrong. When I called them to question they significantly upped the prices I was promised. Heres my story with further explanation .

If this has happened to you please let me know.




  1. Not with that company but my cable company screws me constantly.  I dont know about where you live, but where I live, one cable company has a  monopoly in a certain area.  So, we have no choice but to put up with their bullshit.  There is no other provider where we live.  The last time I had contact with them, I set up 4 appointments for service.  One guy showed and said he could not do what we wanted.  They initially gave me a credit of 100, then when the bill came it changed to a credit of only 52.  They suck... but who do you complain to?  IF you ask for a supervisor--they dont care either.  They know they have you by the balls!!

  2. yes, if you signeda contract or any papers or where given any papersafrer th work, look at the last pagew in small print somewhre there will be a notice that prices are subject the chgange without notice, meaing simply they can change you rpices at any time and are not reuired to notify you

  3. Just wrote a long, long answer and lost it.  However, I'm back again to say you are right on all counts.  You're not alone, feeling like you're totally out of control.  Been there, done that.

    Like I said in 1st answer ..... call your State Senator and have him/her work for "you."  That's what they are there for.  For us. Let them do their job for you.  Government has been on Cable for years.  Let's hope they finally find a "loop hole."  It's crazy when we have to call these d**n places and can't either hear them or can't understand them.  Say What? ... Say What?   For crying out loud, we're talking to someone half way around the world!  

    Someone is making BIG BUCKS and they want more, the greedy  B's.

    When I hear your story it's like having "flash backs."  What a way to do business.  

    State Senator's DO YOUR JOB'S.  Work for the common folk and put these lousy companies out of business.

    I back you 110%

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