
I got a bunny from the fair last nighttt?

by  |  earlier

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what should i do for my new rabbit friend?

also, it hasn't pooped yet! is that bad?

i know rabbits usually p**p a lot.

it hasn't eaten its pellets but it has eaten its alpha blocks we got today, last night and this morning it ate lettuce, and i gave it a blueberry today :]

it also has drank from it's water bottle.




  1. I had a rabbit. It will p**p eventually and then never stop. But they can eat many things. Mine would eat the pellets but if yours will simply not eat them feed it lettuce and carrots and anything you want. Well, my old rabbit would eat cereal and hamburgers =D. Lol anyway you can buy him or her some rabbit treats and feed them to it occasionally cause my rabbit loved those. They are like yogurty.

  2. Rabbits should not have lettuce!!! it's not good for them... even though they like it.

    If an Alpha block is Alfalfa beware, it's too high in protein and they can DIE from over-eating it!!!

    If he's drinking he's OK.

    He may be stressed and take a day to eat. Carrots are ok But only one or two baby carrots for a small bunny!

    Good luck I'm sure he's just fine!

  3. I feed my rabbit sour types of lettuce and he loves them- he only gets it as a special treat. Too much lettuce causes diarrhea which can be fatal, like so many things with rabbits. You shouldnt feed him too many carrots because they are very high in sugar and can lead to weight gain.

    But there are many other veggies and fruits that rabbits love to eat as well- mine loves grapes, capsicum, apples, pear, bannana, buk choy, and broccoli.

    Rabbits have a very good sense of taste and sensetive stomachs and do not appreciate wilted, or otherwise bad food.

    My rabbit never liked the taste of rabbit pellets, maybe yours doesnt either- there are many different foods avaliable on the market for rabbits- try something with grains and grasses in it.

    I dont know about alfalfa blocks- it sounds like there might be a bit too much in them, try him with some good quality hay as well.

    The only way to find out the s*x of a rabbit at a young age is by pushing on its bits and seeing what comes out (little bit is female, alot is a male)... your vet will be able to s*x a rabbit by feeling for undescended testicles, but your rabbit wont appreciate you trying to do that! In older rabbits you can see a males testicles underneath him- they usually descend around six months of age.

  4. u should take it to the vet before u keep it as a pet.

  5. that is is merely the result of the stress of moving into his/her new home,just give it some time to adapt

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