
I got a call from a guy saying I won $2.5mil from Global International Sweeps?

by Guest64139  |  earlier

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This morning my phone rang and the guy on the other line assured me that I was the $2.5 million winner of the Global International Lottery Sweepstakes. He said that I needed to Western Union him $375 up front for tax purposes and then I would receive my prize right after. It sounds kinda phony to can I tell if I'm wrong about my assumption?




  1. Anyone that asks you to send them money first is a scam.

    Don't lose your money.

  2. Sorry friend but there is no Microsoft, Yahoo other e-mail lottery, it's a scam do not answer do not give personal information.The following sites give more information

    .Also If you go to the following link you will get some info on ID theft the iinternet is safe enough if you are careful but please answer nothing that you are doubtful about.Good Luck and be careful

  3. VERY PHONY!!  (no pun intended...  hehehe)  

    When you hear people tell you stuff like this, whether it is on the phone or in email.  It is a scam to relieve you of (in this case) $375 of  your hard earned money!  Hang up quick!!

    When you send money by Western Union there is no going back whether you want to or not.  It is not like a credit card.  And this is why these (scammer) people use it.  When you go to Western Union to send money like this, WU makes you sign a statement that says you understand that there is no getting your money back once you send it.

    You could ask anyone who calls like this and tell them to deduct it from your winnings and tell him to send it to a Post Office Box address.  See how far that goes...  heh heh

    I hope you told him go go fly a kite!  And then hung up.


  4. i know it is a phony! do not give him a dollar do not give anyone your personal info and nothing at all about your social security number,drivers license,or any banking is a scam you have won nothing this person is trying to swindle you out of as much money as he can get!!all these so called sweepstakes are frauds no one draws email addresses from a batch for a did not enter a legitimate sweepstakes and you have won nothing.i have entered and won legitimate sweepstakes and contest for over 25 years.they never ask for any money or for any other info.they may ask you to sign a statement saying you are eligible to win and have followed their rules or to choose for instance between a gas or electric appliance.i won a kitchen stove 4 years ago and i chose the gas model and sent the paperwork back notarized as was their not be taken in by this scam they are thieves! good luck!

  5. Scam

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