
I got a car accident car is probably totalled?

by Guest32982  |  earlier

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and I am feeling so bad.

I was going to work and was traffic in that street (a 2 ways street) , we were going in some many stops-and-goes, everything was normal then someone threw a can out of the car in front of me, it distracted me for a fraction of second and then the crash happened.

I crashed the car in front of me. I was no speeding (we were in traffic) but I do not know what exactly happened.... was the can? the car in front of me stopped suddenly? I am ok but I got really nervous.

The other car is perfect but mine is horrible.

What is going to happen next?

Cops made the report, no tickets for anyone, and my insurance is going to start all the paperwork.

I have no idea about the other driver, but seems to be a guy (teenager probably).


***I am about to go back to the scene and get the can... to prove they threw it and it was the reason I got distracted......I don't know.

This is my very first time involved in a car accident.





  1. First of all relax.  Let your insurance company handle all the "small stuff".  What you are going to have to do is find the MONEY to pay for a replacement car.  If there was a loan on the car you may have to pay it off with the insurance money.

    Now you will have to find a new car.

  2. First off, don't worry. Everyone is involved in an auto accident at some point in their life. It seems that this was a low speed accident so the chances of your car being totalled are small. When you crash into something, it usually looks worse than it really is. You probably have a mashed up bumper and your hood is bent and twisted, but these things are easily fixed. The worst that will happen is your insurance will go up a bit because it was your fault. Getting the can will not do anything for your case. It shouldnt take that long for the insurance process to go through and you should get your car back as good as new in a few weeks. I hope this eased your bad experiance some.

  3. Sorry to say this, but if you get distracted to the point that you can't control your vehicle just because an empty soda can is rolling about, then you don't need to be driving.

  4. what about the can??

    you took your eyes off the road to watch a can fly in the air.???

    you should be lucky you didnt hurt anyone else, yes its wrong to litter, but you need to keep YOUR EYES ON THE ROAD AT ALL TIMES!!!!!!

    I had rolled my car on black ice two weeks after getting my license, and I'm fine with driving

  5. You don't have to find the can, in 99% of accidents, the person who hit the car in front of them is at fault, (you are lucky no ticket was issued, you could have received a ticket for inattentive driving)...both yours and the other vehicles insurance companies will estimate the damages and your insurance company will give you and the other driver (if damaged) a check to repair your vehicles.

    (if your car is totaled, which I doubt with the low speed at impact, you will only receive blue book value)

    Your insurance premium may go up or your policy canceled.

  6. Things happen in life and there are stupid people in life as well, you are not hurt and the car can be replaced, you will get over this and move, also in my opinion you did all that you could have done.

  7. Totaled and u weren't even speeding?

    It'll get worked out.  Try not to drive urself nuts

  8. Just relax and learn from it. Prepare yourself for all the stupid things people do while driving. I would be ticked off though, if somebody slammed on their brakes in front of you for NO good reason. The can probably won't help your case by the way.

  9. Don't worry this can be fixed I understand how you feel but please know that you are ok and it is just a car that can be fixed. That is why you have insurance. What you really need to do is get in the car and DO NOT think about it You seam to be aware of what happend so your driving was good

    Life is to short to waste time on what you did wrong

    My thoughts are with you Talk a ride in the country and relax you owe it to yourself.

    Good luck

  10. The can won't help you. You're supposed to be able to drive without letting things like that distract you.

    Just fill out the insurance papers and get your car back on the road or the money for another if it's totaled.

  11. I crashed my car a few weeks ago, same thing, but rain so heavy couldn't read the sign for roundabout and wasn't looking. Its not so bad, insurance will tell you what garage to take the car, then you pick it up when its ready and pay some money, I paid 70 euro - done and dusted! But I'm terrified to  drive again, lost all my confidence! :(

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