
I got a circumcison?

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white dirty smelling discharge inside the p***s

dribbing while urination

itchiness, tenderness around the tip of my p***s

small white ring form on the tip of the skin

after circumcision:

my shaft still feels irritation, itchiness

instead of full redish , it has some gyrish areas around the part of p***s hole

Tell me did I possibly have any infections because the surgeon did the operation within two days after the examination?.




  1. That's gross.  Go to the freakin doctor and stop posting this stuff online.  And why?  Why is this in Mythology?  Are you trying to create your own personal myth online?  Get a life.

  2. You'll probably get more answers if you post this in the health section.

  3. Do you get a kick out of writing this rubbish? Maybe your p***s is ashamed of you and is shrivelling up to drop off to get away from you or were you describing yourself, have I got it wrong?

  4. Dude seriously!!, this is the mythology section. Why the h**l post that here. Go to the doctors or something ....ew x10


  5. dud their r kids here keep that $#!? to ur self

  6. Go and see a doctor if you have worries of this kind. They're more reliable than random people on the Internet.  
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