
I got a clown loach today and he is around 15cm is there a way you can tell how old he is?

by Guest66803  |  earlier

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I got a clown loach today and he is around 15cm is there a way you can tell how old he is?




  1. Ask it when it was born.  Unless he has papers, you'll have to take him at his word.

  2. There is no way to know for sure, as clown loaches are all wild caught.  As a rough estimate, clowns grow about 1-2"/year and their growth rate slows when they are about 6".  Keeping this in mind, I would estimate your clown loach is anywhere from 3-6 years old.  Clown loaches have a long life expectancy, so you should enjoy him for many years.   I have 6 of them (my largest is about the size of yours) and they are by far my favorite in my tank!!

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