
I got a cockatoo?

by  |  earlier

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my sistere's friend gave her a cackatoo and i want to know how to take care of it like how to make it not bite me and how to handel it without hurting it or something else please answer.......................thank you...........=D




  1. You didn't mention what species your cockatoo is, however cockatoos are generally very demanding as pets. Most species need six hours of attention daily if they are to make good pets! And they also shed a sort of feather dust that can cause allergies in some people. All cockatoos LOVE to cuddle and like nearly all pet parrots, they need a healthy diet of pellets, veggies and fruits to be healthy. They also need a pretty large cage because they're very actrive birds and sturdy, puzzling toys to keep them stimulated when they're not interacting with humans. Most cockatoos are naturally known to be very loud and often one-person birds (bond to only one person). Their average lifespan is 50-80 years old so it's a pretty big commitment. And don't forget that they can also inflict NASTY bites if mishandled or in a bad mood!

  2. talk to it and feed it treets like apples and pears make sure you talk to it and spend time with it

    after a while it will trust you and eventually eat a piece of apple while your holding it

    and after a while it will let you pat it but be aware it may feel threatend and attack

    you really just need to be patient

    but you do relise that you will have the cockatoo for a long time

    my neighbour has one in its 37 years old

    they are very loud and anoying

    the can live to be over 100 years old
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