
I got a continuous chest pain from day and half. Can someone please tell me wht to do?

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when I sleep it is ok but when I change my side it is worse? it is in the left hand side.




  1. You need to see a Dr. You may have a blockage or partial blockage in your heart. The Dr  can do an ECHO (it doesn't hurt) to see if all the chambers are working right, then they may do a stress test or a cardiolite test (neither one of these hurt either) but the first thing they will do is take a full medical history and then probably an EKG. Then the Dr will go from there.

  2. Chest pain is a symptom of lung cancer. The fact that you have on your left side where the lung is may not be good. Do you smoke? You could get lung cancer even if you do not. Check the symptoms of lung cancer and see if you have them. The website below will provide you with those symptoms.

  3. There are so many possible causes of chest pain.  Without more details it is hard to say what it is.  Generally, heart attack pain is a dull crushing type pain that doesn't change with inhalation or exhalation, feels the same either way.  Sometimes it will radiate to left jaw or left arm, sometimes in between shoulder blades.  This is typical, however, in some cases this isn't so, sometimes it is a sharp stabbing pain.  The best thing to do is go to the ER to rule out cardiac.  Could be a number of things, but you just don't know until they run certain tests on you such as cardiac enzyme count, an EKG, and other tests.  Good luck

  4. How old are you? If you are young, likely you aren't having a heart attack, but have strained some muscles.  When I say I mean like teens to early twenties.  If that's your age group, then try taking some motrin or aleve and use a heating pad to see if that helps.  If it doesn't, then you may need a doc.

    Now- aside from the left sided chest pain, are you short of breath?  Need to breath sitting up?  Are you nauseous? Vomiting? Feel any other pain running up to your jaw or down your arm? Weakness? Feel like an elephant is sitting on your chest?  If you have those symptoms, call 911 now- those are cardiac symptoms.

  5. go treatment for GMCKS PRANIC HEALING

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