
I got a cut on my finger might be infected... help =] ?

by  |  earlier

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got a tiny cut on my little finger, went all white and p***y around it, i popped it and washed it and put lavender oil on it... helped a bit but didnt take down the swelling...

Every now and then i can feel a kind of pain jolt through my arm down through my body but is most painfull in my leg... it starts in my finger...

Any help would be apreciatted =]





  1. sounds like it's infected go see the doctor you probably needs oral antibiotics.

  2. After you pop it put peroxide in it and it will clean right up.

    It hurts like crazy, and it'll bubble (entertainement! :))

    Good luck with it.

    PS. If it decides to continue, you may have to talk to the doctor. :[

  3. Sounds pretty serious. Go and get it seen to by a doctor ASAP. Keep the wound clean and put some antiseptic cream on it. It might be wise to cover it with a plaster to prevent further exposure to infections

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