
I got a few cuts on my hand, and band camp starts tomorrow.

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Im in drumline, and i currently play snare. i have some cuts on my right hand, and one on my left hand on the finger that the stick rests on. They're very painful. What can I do to ease the pain before camp starts and I have to play 8 hours every day?




  1. Clean then very well. Use neosporin, and get those new squishy bandaids that seal out EVERYTHING - they have no gauze pads, just squishy plastic gel.  I am a professional musician, and I love to cook - and accidents with knives happen (especially if I *taste* the wine to be served with dinner, while I am cooking!)  So - I often have. similar emergencies to yours.  The idea is to HEAL solid, as fast as possible.  Small cuts, I will use NewSkin or a similar sealant - I have been know to use surgical glue or even CrazyGlue to glue TOGETHER the open edges of knife cuts.  Not always a good idea - remember, I am a musician, not a doctor . . .

  2. Ahh, the center snare days lol. Use tape, preferably stick tape if you have some, in the colors of your school's color.

  3. ice them to prevent any swelling.

    clean them w/ rubbing alcohol.

    put neosporin on them.

    wear bandaids on them over night.

    and they should be better in the morning.


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