
I got a filling replaced today, and now the gum around that tooth is turning black...Is this okay?

by  |  earlier

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My old filling was kind of failing, so today my dentist drilled it out and refilled it (I think). He just numbed the one tooth, not that whole half of my jaw. It doesn't hurt and isn't sore, but the gum around that tooth is kind of that okay? I can sort of understand why it would be, it got jabbed several times with a needle...but still, I've had cavities filled before, and that's never happened.




  1. wait for 2-3 days & see if it is still there. If it does not go away, go back & show it to your dentist.

  2. I had this happen on a tooth too, and its been like that now for like 6 years, doesnt hurt....

  3. to make sure you should call your dentist. but you should be fine. depending on what he did he could have done something to the gums. just rinse with warm water and salt. good luck.  

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