
I got a hamster 3 days ago it was a male and i got another male today but they stated fighting why is this?

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And why diddint the person at the store that helped me with the hampster i got befor diddint tell me dont get another male hampster?????????????




  1. Male hamsters can fight to the death... you need to separate them. They are dominate. The pet store should have known that and warned you... take it back Or get another cage. You macho males are all alike... ha-ha

  2. It's a male dominance thing, all male animals fight with animals of the same s*x at some point.  The first on claimed its new territory(your house) and then it felt threatened by the presence of another male trying to also make the same cage its home. It's natural and unless you seperate them they will most likely always fight.  The man at the pet store probably doesn't know a l**k about the animals he sells he's just there for money.  Try asking here or googling about something before you buy it.. especially animals. Good luck!

  3. Hampsters like to be by their self. I was told this by a friend. If they have a female they will have to be seperated after she gets pregnant. They will eat the babies. Just pick up another cage. They may not get along with females either.

  4. don't buy 2 male hamsters because they WILL fight

  5. Hamsters prefer to be solitary, and they fight.  Did you tell the store clerk that you already had a hamster, and was putting this one in the same cage?  

    And, perhaps, the clerk does not know very much about the animals.  Pet store clerks tend to be there to sell a product, not to educate people about the proper care of them.

  6. You cannot rely on pet store employees to tell you the DO/DON'Ts of pet ownership. It is up to you to do your research.

    Syrian hamsters cannot be housed together.

  7. If you got the larger breed called a Syrian, they prefer the solitary life and will fight.  If you have a dwarf they love company, BUT it's best to get two at the same time from the same litter because they know one another all ready.

    If you do indeed have Dwarfs.  The one you bought first now can claim HIS CAGE as HIS TERRITORY.  When introducing another one you should do it gradually, and in neutral territory (another cage, bathtub, cardboard box)  but only after spending at least a couple weeks using the split cage method.  you can use hardware cloth to make a divider in the center of the cage.  furnish food and water for both sides.  place each hamster on separate sides of the divider and let them live like that for a few days to a week.  Then switch them around to the opposite side of the cage so that each hamster gets used to the others smells in the cage.  Swap them back and forth like this for at least a couple of weeks then introduce them in a NEUTRAL area.  If they don't fight remove the divider.  If they do fight they need more time in the split cage.

  8. male hamsters are very Territorial so its natural for them to fight and maybe they dint know.

  9. they're fighting for territory and dominance you never put two males together


  11. dont put two hamsters together unless

    they are dwarfs :/

  12. You didn't state what type of hamster you purchased, but generally hamsters are NOT social.  Syrian Hamsters (Teddy Bear, Panda, Black Bear...) are not social creatures despite what you see at the petstore.  This type of hamster can only really coexist when they're very young.  As they begin to mature both males and females (even if they're related) become VERY territorial and will fight.  You may not see the fights, but they do occur, and will often end up in serious injuries or death for one or both animals.

  13. because you r exstreeeeeeeemly dumb you spelled stated


  14. This happened to us and we had to get rid of one. The only way they get along is if they were raised together. One will eventually kill the other. When we bought our second one, the person at the store didn't tell us about this either. It doesn't matter if you bought a male or female. They won't get along.

  15. Because people at the pet stores for the most part, know NOTHING about the animals they sell.

    NEVER listen to pet shop employees. You should have came here first!

  16. I would suggest getting a separate cage, because when I used to have hamsters, I put 2 males together and the one that I've had longest killed the other one.

  17. hamsters will fight... expecially if they are both male.. and usually end up killing each other or seriously injuring each other. i would put them in seperate cages or be prepared to let them die.

    or on the rare occasion that they do learn to get along together, thats great but when one dies then it would be in the best interest of the still living hamster to give it back to the pet store because it WILL get sick and die because it dosnt have its friend around it will get lonly.. i have had experience

  18. there teritorial

  19. Male hamsters are territorial you need to put them in separate cages.  Each one is demanding of the other the whole space in the cage.  They should have told you about this before you bought the second one.

  20. you most liky got two male syrian or teddy bear hamsters. They have to live alone. They will fight if put in pairs till one of them dies! Hurry up get anthor cage!

  21. hamsters like to be left alone and are better off not in pairs

    maybe the pet store didnt know u had just gotten another one

    maybe you shouldve done research before you even got one

  22. They are both male and full of testosterone making them both want to be dominant.  Separate them or take one back to the store since they didn't tell you that would happen!

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