
I got a job as a waiter?

by Guest58272  |  earlier

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Has you got any tips or advice for me?





  1. Be clean, friendly and efficient.  Keep those coffee cups filled.

  2. Whatever you do, for however long - make sure you always put your best effort in .... customers are your priority - especially their orders and the way they are served .... a smile goes a long way, as does a waiter/waitress who makes you feel that nothing is too much for them, that  you are special to them.... don't respond to an ill-mannered or rude customer - they are still paying (we hope) for their meal .... just think of them as someone who is having a bad day and it's just unfortunate that you're the one who got in their way .... later they will feel bad about their behaviour and next time will be a better (and probably) more generous customer ..... as for the running of the place - assuming you are not the only waiter.... ignore what anyone else does - just do your job to the best of your ability .... ensure management always get what they want .... and go home with an easy conscience ....... Somewhere in there other opportunities will open up to you because you've been noticed for your good manners, good nature and willingness to help......

    good luck!

  3. What I always did was remembered the bad service I had recieved at other restaurants and told myself, I'm not going to be like them. I treated them like I wanted the service I should've had. Be patient and be yourself, that's the big thing. People know when you're faking and it can be bad if some of your friends walk in and you jump back into "normal", seen it from a few co-workers. I mean, don't use slang or anything but if you are a normally laid back person, be laid back, if you are a chatty person, be chatty. Another tip of advice, just because you don't get a huge tip (or any at all) does not reflect neccessarily on you. Wish you luck, its a decent job, the people you meet can be very interesting, just do not be rude back to them, you can be stern, but not rude. The job is harder than most people realize and give credit for, but it takes a lot of skills and a lot of patience.

  4. I worked as a Waitress for a while in a hotel. It was the worst thing i've ever done! I was on the Breakfast shift so had to be in at 6.30 every morning on my feet till 3 every day serving the snobbiest most ungrateful people i've ever met!

    My advice is get a really comfortable pair of shoes and keep looking for a different job while your working there!

  5. Well done! Limit the amount of time you ask customers if everything is OK, especially if they have just put in a huge mouthful. This might be hard though, because the manager may want you to do that. Smile, but not in a psychotic way. Strike up small banter and refer to them by their name if you hear it mentioned. If the customer looks really indecisive I used to say, "the x*x is pretty good etc".  

  6. Wear really comfortable shoes, you'll be on your feet all day and i've seen so many waiters trying to walk around in high heels and boots. Also be polite, shower and wash your hair at least daily - nobody wants a greasy faced person serving there dinner. keep fingernails short and clean. Start conversation but recognise the signs when someone isn't interested in speaking to you and last but not least don't take the things people say to heart. you will always get a miserable customer who does nothing but complain, smile sweetly but don't let it get you down.

  7. That's good you will do fine and you just be nice to them and act like every customer is your friend you will have plenty of tips in one month.

  8. Be visible at all time but in the background,  your job is to serve your not the maitre de.  The rest of the serving staff will be two faced turds, don't share tips and don't turn your back on the maitre de for a second.  Make as much as you can in a year then bolt it!  Waiters are treated like s**+'t and payed s**+'t wages.  But always remember that once you were a waiter too.

  9. Ok well if you got the job as a writter then you should'nt you already know all the tricks of the trade for being a writter.not to sound brash but if you gotta ask for hints about your job then you really shpouldnt be having it inthe first place so do what you learned and hopefully it jsy might work out.

  10. The main thing you should keep in mind is how you would want to be served if you were that customer. Its going to be tough in the beginning and you'll feel like you're running around constantly but that will pass. Also, if the restaurant is any good you can really bank off the tips when you get good. Know the menu like you wrote it and be attentive to the needs of the guest. And no matter how obnoxious that woman is who orders while she's talking on her cell phone, try not to let her see you spit in her food... ;)

  11. Become really great at reading people.  Some people like chatty waiters, others want you to shut up and just get their food.  Always kneel though when taking their orders.  It really gives a sense that you are serving them and are not loftier or above them.  

  12. Do not dump stuff on them.

  13. you need to keep nice and clean no strong smelling aftershaves or deodorants and your hands have to be immaculate as for the job always no matter what be polite learn to use your manners all the time and you'll know if your good by the amount of tips

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