
I got a job in the USA and one in Dublin Ireland, which the best place to live and work?

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I got a job in the USA and one in Dublin Ireland, which the best place to live and work




  1. I agree with Martina here.  I am moving from Dublin to the US and i am not pleased with the working conditions there - 13 days vacation a year, if i'm lucky!!!  Pile of poo that.  By law you have to have 2o days here and there are about 9 holidays you get off too.  I'm going to b with my fiance so its something i'll just have to get used too i suppose.

  2. I've lived in Dublin, it's great - HOWEVER it's changed a lot since I lived there.  Cost of living is VERY high in Dublin, it's hard to find somewhere to live and traffic is *terrible*.  

    However, it IS Ireland, and close to Europe...  better holidays, etc...  I'd probably pick Ireland over the US but ultimately it depends what/where the job is in the US.

  3. Where do you live now?

    it totally depends on where the job is in Ireland/USA, wages and loads more, there 2 totally different places each will have good and bad points.

    but you will need to look into that yourself - we dont know what suits you or what your tastes are... have a serious think about it, and know everything about the jobs and the area your living in before you decide! good luck, sounds like fun!

  4. Well, aren't you popular! Quality of life may be better in Ireland, but it will be more expensive. I can't really tell you much as you haven't given much detail - where in the states etc..

    Be aware that the US gets the fewest holidays and vacation of any Western country, we have no healthcare worth talking about and we are a very hardworking country (not that others aren't) where 50-60 hour work weeks are common. American stress levels tend to be very high, which will affect your health. Americans aren't fat just due to food you know. A lot depends on where you settle and what your occupation is. The states have many advantages as well.I guess you could flip a coin. I'd stay in Ireland unless your wanderlust gets the best of you.

  5. Hi Musy78. You are very lucky, you have got a Job in the U.K. the USA. and Ireland, whichever one you choose, please let everybody know where to apply for the other two.

  6. I'd choose Ireland, but I live in the States. If I were you I would look into pay, benefits, pros and cons. Which one will be th best for you in the long run?

  7. Definitely Ireland, better wages, better work conditions (more holidays and benefits etc) and it's better t be paid in Euro than dollars these days. Of course it depends where in the USA you were offered the job, certainly NYC is more exciting than Dublin to live, but Dublin is still a good old spot, lots of things going on, good nightlife, and cheap flights to most cities in Europe!

  8. Hello the states duh

  9. in ireland you would get better pay,conditions,holidays and benefits and you get paid in euro which is worth more than the dollar

    and the minnimum wage in ireland is €8.60 which is $12.63 but in america the minimum wage is $5.85 which is worth  only €3.98 i know big contrast!!! so i think your decision is clear take the one in Dublin

  10. It depends on many things.

    As others have mentioned, the employment law in Dublin would be much more favourable to you, then in the event of you having children and settling down, the education and health systems in Ireland are much more accessible to all, Ireland has free university education, little chance of anyone bringing a gun to school etc.

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