
I got a job interview, should i go?? please help!?

by  |  earlier

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i have now gone back to the ad and re read it and the position seems beyond me and my experience. when i ring them to confirm the time, should i ask about this or would that not be a good idea ands make me seem really unkeen? should i jsut go ands see what happens? i honestly dont know why they picked to interview me!! i dont want to go to the interview and look like an idot either and have them think, why on earth did you apply, you know nothing! im 19 by the way and its for a strata manager/administration work




  1. Go and talk to them.  If nothing else consider it a practice interview for a position that you really want.  What points do you want to make about yourself in the interview?  You should read a book or two about interviewing to prepare, and then evaluate how you did.

  2. As long as you haven't imbellished too much on your resume, I don't think that they would call you for an interview if they didn't think you were qualified. I would definitely go to the interview. It is even hard to just get an interview anymore. I definitely wouldn't ask that question on the phone though.  

  3. You should definitely go to the interview!  Obviously the company saw something in your resume/CV that made them think that you at least met the standard and it's possible that the position isn't exactly how you've interpreted the listing.  

    As for bringing-up your concerns, I would save that for the interview or not bring it up at all.  You don't want to bring it up early in the interview since that will not only show a lack of confidence but will also negatively influence how they interpret your answers to any questions.  I would just see how the interview goes.  At some point you will be given a chance to ask questions.  If you're still concerned about it, you can bring-up the issue but I would frame it more along the lines of "I'm confident that I can do the job but may have less experience than some of the other candidates.  Can we could discuss what type of training or peer support I can expect?"  

    That will help alleviate your concerns while showing that you have the maturity to recognize isues and deal with them on a direct, objective basis.      

  4. Just froget about the interview then

  5. I understand your line of thinking, but you should definitely go. THEY called you. That means they are interested by your application. During the interview ask them what qualifications/experience they are looking for? Don't flat out say "I don't think I'm qualified for this job" because that's like a slap in the face to the recruiter--who thought you were qualified!

    good luck!

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