
I got a job offer today after 8 months looking. How should I celebrate?

by  |  earlier

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Just the job I was looking for, too.





  1. jump up and down, get some confetti and throw a party, i also like the other person's idea of dairy queen.

  2. Trip to Dairy Queen :)  


  3. A nice quiet dinner with someone you love, or even just like, and then early to bed so you can get used to getting up in the morning again.

  4. Have a good night's sleep and wake up fresh and early so that you get to work on time. The worst thing to do is to celebrate and maybe drink too much. It would not help to have a hangover on the first day at work.

    When you get your first pay cheque, celebrate by opening a savings bank account and putting 20% of your pay into it. Do this every pay day for the next twenty years and you will probably be in a position to have money working for you rather than you working for money.

  5. Haircut and shave.

    Maybe get your shoes shined.

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