
I got a jobb as a golf caddy but dont know anything about golf can someone give me some basic info??

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I got a jobb as a golf caddy but dont know anything about golf can someone give me some basic info??




  1. if you know nothng about golf you should not caddy

  2. When you caddy first thing to remember is not to fidget when someone is hitting their ball.  Also do not stand behind them when they are hitting their ball, it can make some people lose their concentration.  The best thing to do is stand at least 5 feet away from them looking at them from their front so they can see where you are.  Make small talk and see if they are the type of person that will talk to you, but if they do not want to talk; don't talk because they may s***w up their game.  Finally around the green when you are tending the flag for the person do not walk between the flag and anybodies golf ball.  That is really bad!  Also pay attention to your shadow when you are tending the flag.  Make sure your shadow does not cast into the person line to the flag that is putting.

    These are just a few things to watch out for.  This is a good link you can go to for some golf etiquette

  3. the basic job consists of carrying the golfers bag and giving him the club as he needs it.  On the teebox make sure that he has a tee, ball, driver etc.  On the green make sure he has his putter when he's ready for it.  Always stand behind and off to the side when he's hitting.  Be very careful on the greens that you don't step on his or other golfers line (the imaginary line that runs from the ball to the hole.)    Make sure you have a towel so you can clean any dirt off the clubface.  Make sure that you clean the ball after each hole.  Make sure the bag has extra tees, balls, markers, bottled water or gatorade, power bar, bananas etc.  

    If you know nothing about golf make sure that you tell the golfer before he starts the round.  Some golfers want more from the caddie than others.  Some will just tell you to hand them the 6 iron, others will expect you to recommend which club they need.  Some will want you to provide yardages.  Example, you're in the middle of the fairway on a long par 5,  the golfer might want you to tell him the yardage left to the green.  Some might want you to suggest a particular part of the green to aim for.  Maybe the green has a right to left slope, you'd be expected to know these things by some golfers, others won't expect anything more than just carry their bag.

  4. Maybe watch some golf on TV.  Know that if it is a tight course recomend a 3 wood or hybrid because they are more accurate than driver.  Know the course ie. distances, water hazards and etc.  Some people you caddy for will probably be their first time playing on the course.

  5. Show up ; zip your yap ; and keep up. also don't lose anything.good luck!

  6. then how did you get a job as a caddy? you better start reading books or asking for someone to show you the ropes....otherwise you won't make any money and you'll have some really angry people in your hands!

  7. As a new caddie, don't give the players any advice as to their swings or which club to use because you don't really know what you're doing (no offense).  I've been a caddie for 7 years and the best advice I can give is to start golfing and start watching it on tv.  It will teach you proper etiquette, which is one of the most important things in golf (i.e.- Where to stand, When to talk...  The list goes on).  For the most part, you don't need to know much about golf to be a good caddie, but it helps a lot if you want to be a great caddie.  Since you're young still, just follow the example of the senior caddie in the group, be aware of where everybody's ball is so that you don't step in front of them when they are about to take a shot, or so that you don't step on their line on the green.  That is probably one of the worst things you could do in my opinion. It not only makes you look bad, but it makes the senior caddie in the group look bad as well.  Also, make sure you keep up with the pace of the group everyone gets irritated when they have to constantly wait for a caddie.  One last thing, make sure you have the yardage when you get to the ball so that you don't slow down the group by making them wait for you to get he yardage.  I hope this helps and good luck caddying.

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