
I got a letter from a company in Germany and Need a little help tranlating a small portion!!?

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I understand the German pretty much, its the what she is asking me to include I do not. I have never formally applied to a job in Germany and need help with this please!!! Thanks

Sehr geehrter Herr Bogutzki,

vielen herzlichen Dank für Ihre Bewerbung und das Interesse an unserem Traineeprogramm.

Um Sie für das Traineeprogramm berücksichtigen zu können, bitte ich Sie, mir Ihre vollständigen Bewerbungsunterlagen (inkl. Anschreiben, Lebenslauf, Zeugnisse) zukommen zu lassen.


Mit freundlichen Grüßen




  1. she wants a complete application, so: cover letter, curiculum vitae, diplomas and letters of reference...

    Note: the German curriculum vitae is different in structure than the American one, and it is common to add a formal portrait photograph of yourself to the "Lebenslauf". Google "Bewerbungsfoto" and "Lebenslauf". There is a website where you can create your "Lebenslauf". You can choose to create one in the American way or in the German way, and it guides you through the process. It's really neat!  

    And it's free. You can complete it online and than download the completed thing onto your PC as a pdf.

    Well, I hope that helped a bit.

  2. Hi, Chris...

    UPS... sorry..but this time I was toooo late - all the "previous" contenders did a decent job in answering everything you need to know. I would have liked to do it for ya as well..BUT: no need to "double-muble"... You got all you need to get started! YES!! I must agree with the guy,who claimed we Germans are freaks for a bunch of "paperwork/documents",etc. SOOOOO TRUE!!! That amazes me all the time, how  MUCH  burocracy we get involved in... The Germans are -precise- to the "T" !!!

    Hope - you enjoy your stay - wish you: good luck ! Lots of Love from Germ,any.... Annette****

  3. THE THIRD  THING IS ::: REFERENCES  ( zeugniss )

  4. A German "Bewerbung" includes copies of ALL your school certificates, and so on, from your very childhood. They're very mch different from the American style. Germans are fond of documents. If I were you, I'd copy everything I have, starting from the spelling bee to working contracts with every company you had up to university diplomas. Every single piece of paper, sorted in chronological order, and then send it to them as a 1 kilo global express parcel with the phrase:

    "Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

    anbei die angeforderten Unterlagen. Ich würde mich freuen, für Sie arbeiten zu dürfen."

  5. Thank you for your application and your interest in our trainee-program.

    In order to consider you for the trainee-program, I ask you to send me your complete application-documents (to include application letter, curriculum vitae, and testimonials)

    Thank You

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