
I got a letter from ealing council saying a penalty charge is payable due to my car..

by  |  earlier

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apparently due to a traffic contravention of entering and stopping in a box junction when prohibited.

I didnt even realise that is was an offence, they are saying they have a video etc to support the pictures.

If im driving straight and theres traffic in front of me ofcourse i`ll enter a box surely.

They said pay a 120 pound fine, or 60 pound if paid in 14 days.

Im just gobsmacked as i didnt even know it was an offence to go in the yellow box when traffic was moving.

what would you advise i do




  1. check the highway code, its an offence to stop in a box junction unless you want to turn right and your exit is clear

    if they have photographic evidence you have no choice but to pay the fine

  2. Go and see the photographs. You are not supposed to enter the box unless your exit is clear. Sorry but ignorance is no excuse. I would check the bye laws I thought a moving traffic offence was a police matter    

  3. Ask to see video but it is an offence to enter yellow boxes if your exit is blocked

  4. go to this website for info

    ealing council is the worst for issuing tickets make sure you fight your case

  5. You are not being fined for entering the box junction, but for stopping in it and thereby causing an obstruction.  You obviously do not remember your highway code! you should only enter a box junction when you are sure that your exit from it is clear so you can transit it non stop. There are loads of cameras on box junctions in central London.

    In a lot of ways the camera's on these junctions are just a blatant money raiser as, with so many pedestrians seeming to have a death wish, all it takes to fall foul of the cameras is for someone to dart accross the road in front of a car about to exit the junction, causing it to brake, and you to have to halt in the junction.  Click. Nicked!

  6. Read your highway code,It says you must not enter a box junction unless your exit is clear.

  7. If you didn't know it was offence, are you sure you've passed your driving test?

    It is in the Highway code:  "Do not enter the box unless your exit is clear". The only exception being if you are turning right, where you can enter the box as your entrance should be clear when the lights change.  Obviously this requires an element of common sense because when the traffic is heavy it may not be the case.

  8. "You MUST NOT enter the box until your exit road or lane is clear. However, you may enter the box and wait when you want to turn right and are only stopped from doing so by oncoming traffic or by other vehicles waiting to turn right."

    Taken from Highway Code. Rule 174. Page 58.

    I suggest you re-read the highway code before you get another ticket, cause an accident or inconvenience other drivers through your ignorance.

    I advise you to pay the ticket within fourteen days and save yourself £60.


    The above might help if you were at a T junction if not pay up and re read the highway code, it is an offence to enter a yellow box junction if your exit is not clear except when turning right

  10. OI, CLIVE H, I dont live there

  11. From what I can remember ' It is illegal to enter a box junction unless your exit is clear'

    Check with the Highway Code.

  12. if the traffic ahead of you was moving then your right ,you cant get away with anything these days ,i got a parking ticket cause i put my sticker on the back window instead of the front but i got it sorted.

  13. Dear Ealing Council,  The letter you wrote to the former tenant has been returned.  I'm not sure where he has gone to now, someone suggested he may have moved to Sydney in Australia, or somewhere like that, apparently, so they said.

    Yours sincerely

    JB Wombat

    new tenant

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