
I got a letter saying i need a passport interview, but then on the same day i got my new passport through.?

by  |  earlier

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What should i do?




  1. Call them to confirm the interview.  And to double check what they want you to bring with you.

    This happened to me in 2005.  They just validated the passport over the phone.  I got a letter two days later confirming I could now use the passport to travel.

  2. it seems to me like the old old story of the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing you have your passport don't bother with the interview

  3. call the passport office and find out but i should imagine the first letter was a mistake and your passport is valid for use

  4. I would phone them, you don't want to turn up to the airport and they tell you your passport is invalid

  5. just ring them  ... and tell them you have a new passport ..

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