
I got a mail saying I won a Royal Caribbean cruise.?

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It included a boarding pass... which I'm assuming isn't an official one. Nevertheless, I've heard that although sometimes these things are frauds, some of them really are valid. I hear sometimes you have to sit in on some meeting where you're pressured into some business opportunity, but that even if you decline, you still get your free cruise.

Either way, I tried searching for "AVC Travel", and I couldn't find anything describing a hoax or fraud with a cruise giveaway. What does everyone think? I'm inclined to call the number...




  1. It might be worth giving them a ring, like you I have had a search for AVC Travel and it looks like a real travel agent with nothing but good reports. The web site is

    check it against what you got and if it doesn't match up, leave it alone.

    Even if it is a scam, get in touch with the real AVC through the address on the website, I am sure they would love to know that their name is being used for a scam, you might still get your cruise.

    Good Luck.

  2. My family has gotten something like that.....We won a week in FL.  My parents had to sit through a 90 min. presentation but that was all!!  Worth calling them tho!

  3. It's a scam.  They want you to buy time shares on the islands.

  4. It may be legitimate...or it's probably a scam.  Look at the materials they sent you very carefully.  If at any point they ask for some sort of payment, I say you rip it to shreds and forget you even got it.  Truly winning something shouldn't cost you anything.

  5. I just received this same exact thing in the mail yesterday. This is what brought me to your question. I can tell you from experience that if this was an official letter that you've won anything it would be an affidavit for confirmation. I've actually won things before and you would never get a boarding pass or anything else without first confirming your identity.

  6. It's a scam.  Trust me, even if it's valid- there's a catch.  You don't want to get involved with these people in any way.  They don't just give away cruises for free.  They will pressure you to buy something for hours or days.  The only way you might be able to get away with this is if you REALLY have no money or property to give them.

  7. well think about it if there just giving stuff away how are they going to make any money. no company would ever give out free stuff like that.

  8. Phil, call Royal Carribean to confirm this package is the REAL deal.  I have had to deal with issues like this with my travel business.  Royal Carribean has a toll free number which is 1-800-529-6918 which is the cruise customer support line.  BE SURE to explain to them the situation and find out from THEM if this is a legitimate offer/deal and how to legally claim it.  there are some fees you will have to pay before confirmation like your boarding fees and excise taxes which are normal fees associated with ANY cruise.  I wish you the best of luck Phil

    Michael A. Allingham

    Allingham Travel

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