
I got a message from another Answers user saying I'm anti-American?

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I'm not offended. How patriotic are you?




  1. Anti-American is a person who disagrees with the basic principals of our founding fathers. Capitalism and free enterprise took us from being an outpost of England to a super power. The liberties that we have under the constitution and  guaranteed by the bill of rights keep us free.

    To disagree politically is one of those rights, therefore, does not constitute being Anti-American, nor does being of different faiths. Those who are here legally are Americans, and we should be bind  by the principals under the constitution or be labeled Anti-American, which is by the way freedom of speech.

  2. Report it.  

    I raised the issue that Barack Obama has lied about his heritage.  Barack Obama is Arab American not African American as his Kenyan family are Arabs not African by blood and heritage.

    By Kenneth E. Lamb

    Sen. Obama's autobiography is filled with "composite" characters, rearranged timelines, and fantasy events that never occurred. I read that twice in the Washington Post - read Richard Cohen's columns of Jan. 1, 2008, and March 27, 2007, for yourself.

    There are more articles than that, by more authors than just Mr. Cohen, but I wanted to get started by saying that what follows isn't just something I'm pulling out of thin air. What follows is serious, documented, and not at all what those who want to write history about the election of the first so-called "African-American" president, want in the least to admit is true - and why its truth matters more than their desire to ignore the truth for the sake of their desire to write history.

    While his shrill wife objects, the truth is that Sen. Obama's life, as he wrote about himself in his autobiography, is, in fact, nothing but a fairy tale. Again, don't take my word for it - read Mr. Cohen's, and others, articles about it.

    If what Mr. Cohen writes are truths, then what Mr. Obama wrote are lies. It's just as simple as that.

    Yet there is not one word from the "Last Bastions of Accuracy" that comprise our first-tier information enterprises about the complete lack of integrity Sen. Obama shows with his fictional life history. He lies, but his lies are swept under the rug by a groupthink mentality that is so desperate to regain leadership positions - as opposed to actual leadership programs to earn those leadership positions - that it ignores the truth that Sen. Obama lies - about himself, about his life, about his actions - and even about his racial composition.

    I researched what follows for a NY daily of international reputation. It wasn't what I thought I'd find. I documented it, presented it to the Washington Bureau Chief, but was hardly surprised that it never saw ink. As you'll see for yourself, this is the political equivalent of a nuclear bomb.

    I must pause very briefly to note usage of the word ***** in what follows: In all academic studies of race, the proper scientific word for the ethnic composition I discuss is *****. For any who scream racist at its mention, I say take it up with the scientific community. It's not my word, it's theirs. I am using it in its proper scientific context.

    Why is the fact that Mr. Obama is only 6.25% African ***** not reported?

    Because to acknowledge it is to report this devastating truth about him: Mr. Obama is not legally African-American. It is impossible for him to be, in truth, America's first African-American president.

    Federal law requires that to claim a minority status, you must be at least 1/8 of the descriptor, but for the sake of this article, I've converted it to a decimal fraction for easier comprehension. You must be at least 12.5% of the racial component you claim for minority status. Mr. Obama, claiming to be African-American, is half the legal threshold.

    Again, to let it sink in: Mr. Obama is not legally African-American. It is impossible for him to be, in truth, America's first African-American president.

    Yet claiming to be African-American is the soul and substance of his claim to fame. It is what he has used throughout his adult life to distinguish himself from other competitors. It is the ethnic identity he proclaims, and it is the ethnic identity he craves. Without it, he is just another mixed race Caucasian Arab with an African influence playing on his skin’s pigmentation.

    But no matter what he craves, no matter what he has used to propel himself through life, no matter the racist presumption of seeing his skin and without question calling him black, the hard, cold, genetically inarguable reality remains: he is not an African-American.

    Mr. Obama is 50% Caucasian, that from his mother. What those who want Mr. Obama to write history by becoming "America's first African-American president" ignore is that his father was ethnically Arabic, with only 1 relative ethnically African ***** - a maternal great-grandparent (Sen. Obama's great-great grandparent, thus the 6.25% ethnic contribution to the senator's ethnic composition.).

    That means that Mr. Obama is 50% Caucasian from his mother's side. He is 43.75% Arabic, and 6.25% African ***** from his father's side.

    Put another way, his father could honestly claim African-American ethnic classification. He was the last generation able to do so.

    Sen. Obama could honestly say, "My father was African-American." Racist presumptions led an Ivy League admissions committee, and lazy "newspapers of record" factcheckers, to presume that if his father is African-American, then Sen. Obama must be African-American also.

    But it doesn't work that way. Racist presumptions coupled with sloppy vetting don't turn a lie into the truth.

    Sen. Obama is one generation too far removed from the ethnic African ***** input to make the same claim as his father, Harvard's Admission's stamp of approval notwithstanding.

    As you can see for yourself, Sen. Obama's African-American ethnic claim, when properly researched and documented, is a lie.

    The question no one wants to answer - particularly Mr. Obama and his supporters, is, "Why do you think he has an Arabic name? Why does his father have an Arabic name? Why does every ancestor on his father's side have an Arabic name?"

    The answer is obvious: They have Arabic names because his father's side of the family tree is Arabic.

    Need proof? Research the Kenyan records for yourself. You will find that his father was officially classified as "Arab African" by the Kenyan government.

    But in America's current political climate, that truth is heresy; that truth is "an inconvenient truth." It is the political equivalent in our time to what Galileo's scientific pronouncements were in his time: it is true, but nobody wants to know the truth because the lie is so much more comforting.

    That is why detractors of this truth will do everything to denounce it, except submit to the discipline of actually researching it.

    There's a reason for that: it proves he is not sufficiently ***** to earn classification under American law as an African-American.

    For Sen. Obama, telling the truth means he will give up all the accolades about being the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review, an accolade that relies on a sleight-of-hand in job titling that changed the name of the top job from Editor to President.

    If stated in its absolute truth, Mr. Obama was the second person of color to run the Review. He was beat to the Review's top spot by a true African-American about 60 years before Mr. Obama showed up for classes.

    Again, a very inconvenient truth.

    That is devastating in itself. The further effect is that Mr. Obama would have to convince Americans still reeling from 9/11, Afghanistan, and Iraq, that now is the time for America's first Arab-American president.

    We all know what chance that has of succeeding.

    Of course, that would only happen if Mr. Obama told the truth about his racial composition. To tell the truth means Mr. Obama will have to admit that which he has never been forced to admit before, even in the face of the massive lies of his autobiography: Mr. Obama's entire projection of who he is, and what he is, is a lie.

    Mr. Obama would have to say to the world: "I am not what I've told you I am. I lied to you in my autobiography when I told you I am black. I lied to the Admission Committee at Harvard so I could get in. I lied to my constituents in Chicago so I could get elected to the State Senate. I lied to my constituents in Illinois so I could get elected to the US Senate. I lied to my supporters across America so I could be President.

    "I have lied all during my life to play the race card, and use it, cynically, to advance myself by playing upon the racist presumption of Americans to accept, without question, that anyone of color is African-American. I lied to you, and you blindly accepted it, because of your own racist presumptions about color, and ethnic identity. I looked African-American, and your racist presumptions told you to believe it."

    Even as you read this, the overwhelming majority of you will continue to believe it. Even as you know the truth, you will block the truth out of your mind, because you are bred to accept the racist presumption of color, and ethnic identity.

    And so many of you reading this will create incredible mental gymnastics, telling yourself why the truth doesn't matter. You will lie to yourself because you want to believe the lie, and then curse the American body politic for being built on lies.

    You will do this all while failing to tell yourself the truth that it is your lies, as much as any other lies, that are killing the body. You will commit the very action that you curse as the cause of America's demise, because you are jaded beyond recognizing in yourself the very same disease you so freely condemn in others.

    Here is the truth about Mr. Obama's name, and his father's ancestors:

    True ***** tribal members of western Kenya where his father was born have Christian names, not Arabic. His father's decision to name him with an Arabic name is a matter of his father establishing his ethnic identity in Africa - it is done deliberately to separate him from the African tribes. He may live among them, but he is not one of them. His father's mess

  3. I'm not American and I try to avoid answering the political questions, but....

    No your not Anti-American you are Anti-Bush.

    I don't blame you, we have an idiot running our country.

    I'm sure you are very patriotic.

  4. Here is how Patriotic I am. I served my country proudly for 23 years. I always loved and believed the Marine song that says First to fight for Right and Freedom and to keep our honor clean. Now I must admit my country and it's leadership deserves no honor. The selection of leadership that all this polling and squabbling makes me want to choose none of them. My government is broke and nobody want to help me get it fixed. If you don't help it won't get fixed. We have Ron Paul and a few months to git-ur-done no p***y-foot-in around. We have to show America that we the people still have the power and they can no longer control us through the media. We are not listening to what they tell they need to start listening to the people for a while.

  5. I got one about a month ago saying I am a L*****n because I support Hillary Clinton.... made me chuckle actually..

    People on here can't seem to stand it when others don't share their views. I know there are many who don't share mine, but that's the beauty of this nation.

  6. Patriotic to me means standing up for what is RIGHT, not what is POPULAR.

  7. standing up for what you beleive makes you all american in my book.

  8. Let me guess, a right-winger accusing you of thinking?

    I define a patriot as one who holds their leaders accountable. The principles of our country are what we are loyal too, not a person or a party. I am a patriot.

  9. If you're American you should be patriotic.  This is the best country in the world.  If you diasgree, try living in another country where you can be shot for talking to the wrong person or wearing the wrong clothes or even showing some skin.  The list goes on.

  10. There's no such thing as patriotism as people like to see it... patriotism is just a tool used to boost your own position by claiming to be one and damning your opposition by saying they're not.

  11. People brand you anti-american if you express dissenting views. They say they support freedom of speech, but apparently only when it's being used to reinforce common beliefs.

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