I have this guy friend, that I really like. The problem is he doesn't like me back.
I text him alot, but he barely ever texts me back. He's a very religious Christian and I'm agnostic, so he's said offensive stuff to me, while he didn't realize it. He's hurt me so many times, but I always forgive.
This once, I kinda teased him about his girlfriend, Lexi, at school, but no one was supposed to they were dating. No one really heard, so it's not a big deal. But he's so mad that he has stopped texting me. He is a jerk, and I understand that, but underneath it all, he's sweet and honest.
He won't give me a chance to show him what I can be... And it's pointless texting him because he doesn't answer...
I've told him how much I care about him, he still says no, straighforeward, and I don't know what I can do next..
P.S. I also tell him how I feel about him being somewhat of a jerk as well.