
I got a minor guy friend Prob?

by  |  earlier

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I have this guy friend, that I really like. The problem is he doesn't like me back.

I text him alot, but he barely ever texts me back. He's a very religious Christian and I'm agnostic, so he's said offensive stuff to me, while he didn't realize it. He's hurt me so many times, but I always forgive.

This once, I kinda teased him about his girlfriend, Lexi, at school, but no one was supposed to they were dating. No one really heard, so it's not a big deal. But he's so mad that he has stopped texting me. He is a jerk, and I understand that, but underneath it all, he's sweet and honest.

He won't give me a chance to show him what I can be... And it's pointless texting him because he doesn't answer...

I've told him how much I care about him, he still says no, straighforeward, and I don't know what I can do next..

P.S. I also tell him how I feel about him being somewhat of a jerk as well.




  1. Ahh, that sounds like a bad situation ]:

    Are you sure you really like him? You sound like you know him pretty well, so I understand that he can be sweet underneath it all if you say so.

    He probably doesn't know how much he's hurting you.

    Are you two best friends?

    Because I would tell him "you know, you really hurt me yesterday.."

    and just talk to him if he lets you. Ask him if he would please pick up the phone "later today" or whenever you tell him, so you can talk to him and just let him know.

    His straightforwardness sounds like a hint, no, he doesn't feel the same way back, so you might just want to let him be. If he has a gf right now, there is nothing that you can do about it. I wouldn't get in the way of his relationships until you both are ready and single. For the time, let him run his course. Maybe try to see your options on other guys.

    Maybe you can write him a card and say everything that you want to say, and then tell him that he can either continue being your friend and understand, or he can just walk away and forget everything. You don't need to take that from him, let him see that he's hurting you so he can either take the option to keep you as a friend, or to let you go if he's not going to treat you right. Other guys might like you right now, give them a chance instead of chasing this boy.

    I don't know how confusing I just was aha, but good luck with him.

  2. well it sounds like he is blowing you off. Why keep wasting your time ans text on this guy. He does not sound like aclose friend to me. Just move on and find others things to do. why would you want to keep trying to talk to somebody who make you fee lower and ignores you.

  3. if he is a minor friend drop him and find a new friend if he was a good friend then he would not treat you like that  

  4. theres more than one guy in this world; but... this always happens to alot of girls & boys;

    you have to let him know that he has hurt with you with his sayings.

    its nice to know that hes a very religious Christian; but i dont understand why he would say so mch things to hurt you just for that gf situation.

    and if you want him to get your attention, then dont text him for a while, and dont say anything to him...

    and maybe he'll think you have moved on, but u actually havent*

    that's what  i would doo!

  5. Aw.

    It kinda seems like he's playing hard to get. Anyways most guys aren't as sensitive like girls are, so I wouldn't take these small actions, like not texting back, a big deal. All i would do is just act normally and yourself and see how everything goes. :)

    BTW, when he does hurt you about something religious or about anything, I consider you just telling him" I didn't  really like the way you acted about that situation or the way you said what you said"

    Just suggestionssss!:)

  6. Honestly, it sounds like this guy is doing everything he can to make you feel put off. Looks like it's working, too. I really don't think he should be quite THAT mad because of your teasing; no one heard it so no harm done, so what's even the big deal?

    I know you care about this guy, but he isn't worth your time if all he does is hurt you, get mad at you for stupid reasons and never text you back. It doesn't even sound like a worthwhile friendship - it sounds really one-sided. If he won't give you a chance, why continue making a fool of yourself over him? Move on and find someone who wants you. You'll feel better about yourself, and it might even open his eyes about you.  

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