
I got a negative but still no period, what do my symptoms sound like?

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I've been extremely tired, but the most prominent thing is that my b*****s hurt like crazy. When I take my bra off it hurts like crazy to even let them move. I've been particularly irritable and I've had a rather weak stomach i.e getting nauseous easily and throwing up a bit. I've had some odd cravings, but not to an extreme. I know this all sounds like PMS, however the fact that I rarely feel these things when my period is coming (Its true, my boyfriend and guy friends can never tell because I dont get mean) plus the fact that I was due Sunday and now its Wednesday and no period..... yet I got a negative pregnancy test yesterday. Can I still be pregnant and just not have enough HCG?




  1. Im going through the same thing, Im spotting, and have some symptoms and I got a couple of negatives last few days.  I guess my hormones are not all the way in to be sure yet.

  2. sounds to me like ur pregnant

  3. you could be pregnant... you can get a false negative but rarley ever a false positive.  but the things like cravings, and a weak stomach.  right now your about 4 weeks (if +)  that all comes later... well the weak stomach may show up in a week or 2.  wait a few more days and take another test.  if it is negative stop stressing that's probably why you didn't get it in the first place.  stress will delay your period.  good luck

  4. Maybe you used the test incorrectly, which leads to negative results. try again, if you get the same answer go to your health care provider.

  5. I just found out I was pregnant a few weeks ago.  The first couple tests I took were negative as well.  I would make sure that you take another test, early in the morning is best (HCG levels are highest in the morning).  Good Luck!!

  6. It's not likely, but it is possible.  Sometimes there just isn't enough hcg is your system to get a positive result.  I would wait 2-3 days and if you still haven't started, retest.  If it's still negative, go ahead and make an appointment with you doctor just to make sure and be certain something else isn't going on.

    Good luck!

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