
I got a negative result... could it be a false negative?

by  |  earlier

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I feel sick 24/7 at my stomach. Headaches, loss of apatite, spotting a few days before my expected cycle date, and i am 3 days late. I should have started sunday night or monday and i didnt. i spotted a little last thursday(it was pink) but i noticed it on the toilet paper and ive been so tired. sunday i didnt get out of bed very much but my sides and the part right above my belly button hurt really bad. not crampingl.. just hurting. i took a urine test at the clinic on monday, the first day of my missed period. could it have been a false negative?




  1. could be. I think u shud get a blood test to confirm. Lots of baby dust to u and gud luck.

  2. false negatives are soooooo common, test again

    if you are still waiting for your period after a few days, the level of hcg might be up by then

    lots of luck to you

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