
I got a new Chinese dwarf hamster.. and now my mom wants it to breed and we don't know where to get a new one?

by  |  earlier

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thing is we don't want a new male. is there a place in London (central W)

where my hamster "meets" with another male and does its business so it can become pregnant???




  1. well i wouldn't know...

    but let me tell u this its going to be VERY hard to keep all those baby hamsters and sometimes u know..some get eaten if your not fast at finding good homes for them.

    me and a couple friends tried doing that :/ ended up with a cage full of dead hammys YAYYY ._______.

    cause some smart butt didnt put them in different cages *points at that person*

  2. you really shouldn't breed them .that is a lot of work and you risk cannibalism in hamsters. you have to go through the process of finding like 20 homes for them,caring for them while they are little. DON'T BREED THEM!!!! you really don't make a profit off of them if thats what she's thinking. if you do end up finding a way, DON'T DISTURB THE MOTHERS CAGE, NEST OR ANYTHING IN THE CAGE. make sure it is in a secluded room away from ANY NOISES. any disturbances really increase the chances of the cannibalism wich is already REALLY high in hamster mothers. I refuse to give out info on what to do for purposely breeding them!!!!.  

  3. y would ur mum want to breed them thats wired ohwell i dont know as i dont live there but put adverts up sayin chinese dwarf hamster wanted or try this site i go on here to stuff i need heres and ad for u in london email them go to the guy with the phone on the write it will say click here to respond to this advert

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