
I got a new dog! how do i train him?

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I got a new dog.

he's only two-half months old so he's still a baby.

he already peed on the bed and did his popo on the floor.

the lady in the store told us to leave him in the cage when we go out so that he won't go crazy in the house and popo where ever he wants.

but he doesn't want to get in the cage even though he came from one!!!!!!!!!!

he starts to whine. the only time he wont is when he's sleepy. but he'll start to whine in the middle of the night when he wakes up because he has to use the bathroom. but when i take him outside, he doesn't want to use it.

i'm going to have to leave him in the cage when i start going to school until he's trained not to use the bathroom in the house.

but he'll start whining. will he stop eventually? like i said, he came from a cage but still. i don't want to hear him whine. it rips my heart!




  1. Get a kitty litter tray & put sheets of newspaper in the bottom.

    When he/she looks like wanting to "do its business" pick it up quickly & put it in the kitty litter tray.

    The pup will eventually use the tray whenever it is inside & u can encourage it to go outside in time.  

  2. I think you mean bischon. Maybe hes' frightened of his cage b/c he's spent most of his life in it. Dogs that come from pet stores are often puppy mill pups. Teach him that his cage is his safe place to go, like his little cave where he can have quiet time and NEVER use it for punishment. As for the potty training, he won't have a big enough bladder to hold for long until he's six months old. When you aren't able to watch him like a hawk, take him out for 15 minutes then bring him in and put him in his bed. If his bed is the right size he won't soil it since he won't want to lay in his own mess. Of course if you leave him in there for too long he won't be able to hold it and he will go. It's good that he wakes you at night and maybe once he gets outside he just gets distracted by the new noises and/or smells and delays his bathroom duties. Try playing some music for him or putting a ticking clock near his bed so he doesn't feel so alone.

    There's lots of great training videos on You Tube or consider a puppy class or in home trainer. Depends on what it is you're trying to train him to do.  

  3. Would you like to go in a cage after you had a taste of freedom from one.

    There is only one way to train a puppy.

    Love, Consistency,Firmness,[ but always kind].

    He is still a baby and everything is new and strange to him. Play as much as possible, keep popping him outside to relieve himself and praise him when he does.

    Personally I only believe in a cage for a dog in a car.

    I have never caged my Dogs,and yes I have lost a few sofa's and other things they have destroyed as a pup,

    But with time, Patience and Love they are Great.

    Try to think like your dog does! That way you get a better understanding of pack behaviour.

  4. Tell him what you want him to do then show him how. when you show him give him a cookie. You want to make him feel really good when he does the right thing by saying "GOOD BOY GOOD BOY!!" If you keep with it you can train him do anything you would like. I trained my dog to give me a hug(she jumps on my shoulders and rests her head.)

    Good luck!

  5. I think you will find the articles on obedience training at very useful. your pup needs obediennce training

  6. it is easier to get a dog trainer to get a faster result...

  7. hi,

    No dog is born with good manners. Pooping on the carpet, leaping enthusiastically onto guests, pulling so hard he practically yanks your arm out of the socket when on walks--that's all perfectly acceptable in the canine world. It's up to you to teach your dog to behave the way we humans want him to. Not training your dog and expecting him to be pleasant to live with is like never sending your child to school and expecting him to ace the SATs.

    heré are some guidelines:

    hope this helps.

  8. My puppy used to whine when we left her in her cage, but now she has stopped!

    I wouldn't go down in the middle of the night when he whines because then he will learn that when he whines, he will get attention, I know that is hard but it is for the best. My puppy used to go to the bathroom in her cage during the night, but she also no longer does this. Just make sure that the first thing that you do in the morning is let him out. It may feel as though you are never going to conquer house training, but it will click eventually!

    Maybe go out and leave him in his cage for a small amount of time and then increase it little by little, as then he will realise that you are4n't going to leave him and your are coming back!

    Good Luck!  

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