
I got a new guinea pig and when i put it together with my old guinea pig they start kooing and squealing...?

by Guest67118  |  earlier

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is this bad should i separate them and also when my new guinea pig goes into the house i have for them if my old is in there she will run out and go to one of the other hiding places and if the new one goes into one of the other hding places if my old guinea pig is in there she will run out

p.s. if i put them in separate cages but the cages are close they cant see each other because the plastic is too high to see over for them i have a C&C cage and one of the cages you buy at a pet store




  1. As your piggies get to know each other, this behaviour will decrease.

    Did you do proper introductions? Did you clean the cage & everything in it? This will help to keep the old guinea pig from being so territorial. See this link for introductions (you'll need to scroll down a bit to find it):

    I see no reason to separate them as long as there is no fighting going on. Sows usually adjust to one another quite well.

    Good luck!

  2. mayb der jus horny =P

  3. the older guinea pig is feeling like some one is invaiding her space so play with the older guinea pig more, maybe take her outside. ALSO, buy the newer guinea pig its own food dish and hiding place.

  4. you have to seperate I have a guinea pigs they start kooing when i joined them in one cage but when I seperate them they stopped kooing

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