
I got a new parakeet today and it was singing in the store but when i brought it home it wasn't,why? ?

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I got a new parakeet today and it was singing in the store but when i brought it home it wasn't,why? ?




  1. Well you just got it, give it time to get used to being with you where you now have it liveing. Maybe it will begin singing in a few hours or days. All depends on how happy it is once it accepts where it is living. And please don't expect it to ever be tamed because it will probably never happen if you didn't buy one who is already hand tamed.  

  2. just give it time to get used to its new home

    after its comfortable it'll be singing like there's no tomorrow LoLz :)

  3. It most likely sings when it wants to, and he may not be comfortable just yet.

    good luck.

  4. Give it time to get used to it's new home.  All the new sights, smells, noises are a little much at first.  Just be patient and whistle whenever you are around him.  He'll start singing when he's comfortable.

  5. Firstly congratulations on your new bird!

    Well its usual for a bird to sing when its confident in its surroundings so when you bring it into a new environment it will be unsettled, so just give it time and loving care and attention and it will soon sing its little heart out!

  6. Probably because it had lots of friends in the store. You are its new friend now so have a chat! My hubby has chirping competitions with our budgie and he really competes its heaps funny!!! Cant get the bird to shut up sometimes lol! He is a boy. That said, we had a female who recently died from scaly face. We bought her with the illness unaware. She only ever did one "chirp" it was very boring and I wouldnt really call it a song. She got quieter and quieter and we thought she was pregnant or it was a female bird thing (some male bird species are more prone to sing as a mating ritual) but she was dying. So keep an eyeout for sickness. Is her poo sloppy or ok? Thats a telltale sign of early sickness.

  7. The parakeet is scared, give it time to adjust where it lives. Soon it will be singing

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