
I got a new tattoo and it's sore and red around it...infection?

by  |  earlier

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I got the tattoo yesterday...a nautical star on my wrist. I woke up and it was red and sore. The redness was about a cm in demention from the where the tattoo starts and the skin begins. It seems to have gotten larger over the course of the day...should I be concerned. I will say that I have fair skin and it's really sensitive. I also have a doctors appt. In four days should I wait till then?




  1. it's going to be sore for at least a week or two. just wash it with mild, unscented soap and don't pick at it

  2. it sounds like you're not taking proper care of it.

    unscented, uncolored, non-deoderant soap only, with hand not washcloth

    moisturize every few hours

  3. NNoo;my boyfriend had one...

    bruised and red all around it for a couple weeks.

    and turned out fine....put antibiotic ointment

  4. This is normal! New tattoos will be red and even swollen for a few days. If it's still there in a week then you have something to be worried about. Even four days from now it will be a bit dodgy and irritated... don't stress about it, as long as you're taking care of it in the way the tattoo artist instructed you it should turn out just fine =)

  5. You would know if it was infected- very swollen, hurts like h**l, high temperature... so don't panic- from looking at your pic hun that's a normal tattoo! remember you've just had a needle put through that bit of skin several hundred, if not thousand times and what is to your body a foreign body implanted under the skin, the ink i mean. give it a week at least- keep up with the excellent aftercare you are doing and see how its looking. if after two weeks your still worried pop back to your artist for tailored advice.

    if you should get any symptoms of infection, don't panic an antibiotic is usually all you need- pop and see your doctor but only if very swollen, red lines streaking outwards from it stupidly painful to touch or you are burning up or feeling faint. But still, dont worry its very rare to get a tattoo infected as the needle pricks are so small. as long as your artist was clean and used new needles and now you are keeping it super clean, as you discribe you will be fine.

    The guy above who recomends bepanthan nappy rash cream is absolutly right- its brilliant for them!

    I hope it turns out beautifuly and you love your new ink!

  6. Well, I think if you DON'T start having a fever and you DON'T start to see streaking of red lines going from it, you should be safe.  Just pay attention to your body, you should be able to tell if it gets infected.  I am not a doctor and if nothing else, you should listen to your own instincts.  You may be able to rest better knowing you are ok.  Best of luck and God bless :)

  7. it take time to go back to normal

  8. I would not be worried at all!! Don't let thiis put you off getting more work done.. you probably just irritated it moving around in your sleep.

    I don't know what country your from or if you can get it but I recomment BEPANTHAN (nappy rash cream) which is AMAZING for tattoos. I have used it will all my 10 and my partner also.

    It comes in a pale blue box in hte childcare part of your supermarket or pharmacy. Its good cos it'll keep your tatt mosterised all night.

  9. maybe

  10. I don't think it's infected. The wrist is just a sensitive area to get a tattoo. I have two tattoos on my foot and they were both like that at first. Just make sure you are cleaning it twice a day with dial soap and putting a non-scented lotion like aquaphor on it. Try not to touch it!

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