
I got a news paper from 1981 where a guy here built a hybeird electric car that got 180 mpg and can go 90 mph?

by  |  earlier

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he was a friend of the family so my grandparents kept the artical...........i have it in a box here laminated, i tried to send it to a news paper and they ignored me........i heard in the 70's someone came up with an engin that gets 300+ miles to a gallon and the oil companies bought the paton on it and wont market it.




  1. Find the car, test it, and then get back to us.  The legend of the 100mpg carburetor has been circulating since the early 1900's.  You've heard a variant.

  2. High mpg & performance are not difficult.

    See here for a real 2,843 mpg vehicle

    - but high levels of consipcuous consumption are the aspiration for most people addicted to the global industrial/consumer growth system

    So big inefficient 4x4s are heavily promoted (and pay newspapers lots of money),

    while the quiet, smell-free Toyota RAV4 ev is ignored by the media and scrapped.

  3. I read a lot of stories like that in the 70's and 80's. And I heard the stories that the car or oil companies bought out the patents. But how much of it is true, we don't know. There is a guy who invented a way to burn saltwater using radio waves. We'll probably never see anything come of that either.

    If you invent a way to make a new fuel source the best thing to do is keep it quiet unless you're looking to make a lot of money with it. Then tell the world and when it is bought up by the oil and car companies we can all yell, CONSPIRACY!

  4. ok...can that car pass current front end crash tests? rollover tests?  pollution control tests... how about engine life? will it last 150,000 miles without major problems...what is the battery life? how will it go when u put elect windows,power steering,,auto tranny,air bags,,etc...and whats the cost? toyota has not made 1 dollar yet on hybreds...NOTHING... its nice your family friend is such a great engineer... he should go to work for toyota....

  5. how many gallons of hybeird electricity did he put in Sir to get all those miles.Well if you ask me soon the oil companies will control all the water in the world and for sure they will be selling us camels cause there sure as h**l ain't enough gas around to fill all of Al Gores cars for the next ten, fifteen years.I was born 1937 and I have heard that story time and again.But what can you do,Be like the Dutch put two fingers up to them and ride a bike to where ever your going.Why can't the governments of the  world just stop paying all that money.The oil producing countries know that the oil is running out,that is why they are making places like Abudabi and other Emirate countries into holiday and financial destinations,So a barrel of oil now is $115, where is the celling where does it end.I will tell you,when we stop buying

  6. There are annual competitions for 'cars' that go incredible distances on a gallon. They  do fairly regularly see numbers over 300 miles.

    Now, going 300 miles, and going 90 mph would not be impossible. but it may be impractical to make a target simultaneously.

    Yes, some designs are bought up, providing the inventor with some money to go on inventing. And very simply many of the designs are not really ready for mass production.

    Remember that many of the cars used in such competition will weigh less than 100 kg and have next to no wind resistance. So, not all of the performance results from the engine.

    Nor in practise need it.

    The problem is that we as investors and consumers have been demonstrating that we are not interested in great mileage.

    Every car made in N America could get at least 7% more mileage by just having an extra higher top gear that we can shift to when operating on downgrades, downwinds, when we do not need to accelerate. We do not insit on it. In fact we complain that the car is guttless in its top gear.

    Well, manufacturers get the message.

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