
I got a problem and need someones help :S?

by  |  earlier

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one of my friends i met online keeps calling me non-stop, i've answered him twice and he just messing around with his friends, i know i cant block his number, so what should i do? i can't keep cancelling the call everytime he rings? should i get a new sim card? which i didnt really want to do because i've got all my college details with that mobile number, any help?




  1. go to the po-po

    (thats street tlak for police)


  2. what do you mean messing around with his friends? like he accidentally calls you, or he calls you but talks to his friends instead? when he does this just say i gotta go.  

  3. Do the same thing to him, call all hours of the night or day. Call the person until they get mad, then call them some more.

  4. answer him and tell him to quit calling. if he doesn't, threaten him by calling the police. your convience shouldn't be affected by some immature person.  

  5. can you perhaps change the mobile number?

  6. He's g*y. I would call him from another number continuously - he'll get the hint.

  7. Put his name and number in your contacts. When it rings and it's his name, don't answer it or reply for days. The person will get the hint that reaching you by phone is not the best way and give up. If you pick up every single time, then he's got you trained. You need to let his calls go to voicemail and then take 1-2 days or more to get back to him.

  8. Tell him not to call you so much because he is burning up your minutes. If he continues, block him. Make some real friends and forget internet ones. They aren't for real.

  9. Dont answer the phone for him anymore. Send him a text telling him to leave you alone. If after a couple of days he doesnt stop calling then the police will take care of it. your phone might be able to block numbers. read the manual but for future refrence when you meet someone online you might want to have a stealth number. Which is a fake number you give "online friends" and it rings to your phone. you can turn the line on and off and block numbers. go to

  10. umm...if im not mistaken, i think that you can block his number and prevent his call from coming through. call your service provider.

  11. I believe you can block his number if you call your carrier.  

  12. Block the call. Talk to your provider. No problem.

  13. just ask someone who u r close too

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