
I got a problem. help?

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I am in the 8th grade right now. I will soon be in th 9th. I am very tall for my age. When im in high school,all of the coaches will be asking me to join their teams. There are already coaches that are comming from the high school telling me to join volleyball.the coaches come all the way from high school,to my middle school. but i hate volleyball. nobody understands that i hate volleyball. so what can i do to make eveyone shut up about me joining volleyball?




  1. I have a friend who was in the same situation last yr. She honestly just told the coaches and everyone else that she didn't really like volleyball and that she wasn't interested in playing on the team. It worked out good for her maybe it will work for you too! Good luck.

  2. if u gavent tried it then try it out but if u really dont like it then just dont play and tell them straight up 2 leave u alone !!!

  3. You know what? Millions of people around the globe only WISH to be tall. So i suggest you take advantage of this oppertunity to at least TRY it. ITs a great way to relieve stress and you might even discover you are a natural at volleyball. It never hurts to try, and if u suck the coaches wont ask you to play anymore. Its a win win solution, and the best part is that you get some excercise in the process.

  4. tell them that you are not interested.. or that you are moving to a secret destination to enter the witness protection program and any more contact could put them in a world of danger :-)

  5. I know you are an 8th grader and you are dealing with adults.  You are trying to show them respect by not telling them that you are not interested.  Just be polite and tell them that you are grateful for their offer, but you are not really interested.  It is difficult, but you are going to hounded until you tell them.

  6. play football

  7. give it a shot

  8. flat out tell them that you aren't interested

  9. Politely say, " I'm not interested"

  10. Is it that hard to say no thanks?

  11. Maybe you should try to play it ,its not that bad....The worst that can happen is you break a nail.GOOD LUCK!

  12. talk to ur guidance counselor they should be able to help!

  13. say sry im out for cross country (you cant play cross country and volleyball ate the same time) even if your not

  14. I think you are missing a great part of life. Volleyball's such a lovely game.

    Either you join in the team and be boosted or neglect the coach and call it a day...

  15. I think you should just try it out....i mean i used to hate volleyball and my mom made me play, and now i love it!!! If you really dont want to should just tell the coaches that you really arent interested!

  16. Tell them your a major klutz and that you have no hand eye coordination. Also tell them you may be tall but you cant jump. That's if you want to miss out on experiencing how fun it actually is.

  17. Just tell them you really don't like volleyball that much and you would rather join another sport or club or something. Or you can tell them that you are too busy with homework and your own life and everything. If you really don't like it, just pretend to be really bad and then they will think u suck and they won't want you anymore. Whatever u do, don't join the team!

  18. if they come up to u in school just say no leave me alone and scream SECURITY!!

  19. Play basketball. You have the height. That would be a good sport to put it to use.

  20. Even though you dont wanna hear it you should try it and then if you really dont like you dont have to continue to play and explain to the coach's that you will try it but if you really don't like it leave. I am tall myself and started out not like volleyball myself they did the same thing to  me as they are to you. I was 5 10 is 8th grade now i am a sophmore and i am 6'2"  and volleyball is the most fun i have. I thought i hated it but i have made some cool friends from it.

    Good Luck

    It is what you want not what anyone else thinks so you do what you want to do!!!!
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