
I got a problem with a guy in my!?

by  |  earlier

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ok so there was this guy that was in my class a couple years ago. then i transfered and now hes in one of my classes again. he used to torcher me and now i really hate him. everyone else loves him....i dont kno wat to do because its been forever since i talked to him and i dont kno if hes changed but i still hate him. wat should i do?




  1. don't be mean to him, and if he is still the same way, just avoid him, and avoid conversations about him so you don't end up venting you feelings to other people about how much you hate him, 'cause they don't care, and if you tell the wrong person, soon the whole school will know.  

  2. Be nice and see what happens.  Maybe he just likes you?  

  3. Give him a chance, but don't let your guard down. If he seems the same way then tell him to go off somewhere, otherwise people can change and mature.

  4. just try to ignore him and see what happens. do not be mean but do not go out of your way to be friendly, as you said, as people grow up they change hopefully for the better, you two dont have to be best friends but it would be good if you could get along

  5. he's probably matured a bit... and if ur a girl- you know how they always say they do things like this because they secretly like you... eh its possible, but if its not, bite back!  huuuaah!

  6. Just put your past appearances with him aside and give him another chance. If he hasn’t changed, then you can go back to hating him again.

    *Make sure to at least give him a chance!

  7. hopefully hes matured by now

  8. kick him in the nuts!

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