
I got a question about a move?

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with the bo staff. What is it called when you run put it on the ground jump and kick in the air?




  1. Well as said that is not a MA true move.

    I was in Track and I know they use pole jumping with longer poles than the staffs.  Id not want to use a staff as a pole jumper!

  2. Well, as usual, I'll slightly disagree with the previous posts and try to give an explanation as to the what and why.

    When you run and jump kick, it's a running jump kick. Having a bo in your hands, planting it, and kicking, it's still a running jump kick.

    The reason to not do this is the issue of control -- easy to overshoot, impossible to control the direction of your energy while in the air, and the use of the bo to add height (because that's frankly all it'd do) will only increase these issues.

    Now, that said, when you use a bo in this manner (to assist leaping or off-the-ground attacks), you're using a stabilizer for control (that is, you're using the staff as a third leg). By running, you're only assisting a distance leap. This might be useful in clearing longer distances, but a typical bo bought from a martial arts store is built with sturdiness in mind, not flex, so you'd more than likely end up with a splintered staff after a few tries.

    Instead, a more appropriate use would be a case where one moves off line of the attack, plants the staff straight down to stabilize a jump and kicks both legs forward (zenpo tobi geri). At any point the stick can be abandoned (yes, sometimes abandoning your weapon is a -good- idea) and you can simply roll away on the landing as they stumble backward.

    Don't hurt yourself.

  3. Totally useless in a real self defense situation or A good way to get hurt.

  4. If you put the bo staff down, and do a jumping kick

    You are now doing a jumping kick

    Don't put your weapon down.

  5. If you cannot say right !  You aint fit to train !   Its Bo or Rokushakubo.  Bo = Staff.  

    Ask some martal arts wannabe and  poseurs ( XMA) , they'll tell ya !

  6. lol ok well first of there is nno point in learning it cause it is for SHOW not to defend ur self.. it is totaly impractical.. therefore u dont need the name for it.. learn the bo right not for show

  7. You don't relinquish control of your weapon or drop or put it down as then becomes totally useless to you and nullifies the advantage of having one in the first place.  Not only that but your opponent might pick it up and use it on you!  In weapons kata competition in the black-belt divisions black-belts are disqualified if they drop or lose their weapon while performing their kata for this reason.  If you are referring putting the weapon point down and using it to vault and get higher to do a flying kick then that is a different story;  it could be a side kick, a roundhouse, or any one of several other kicks but you are not letting go of the weapon or giving up control of it.

  8. I agree with the last post, no weapon should ever be thought of as a toy and used for show.......learn it right or not at all.

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