
I got a question about mp4 players..?

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assuming video is all it's used for, how many movies and song videos would fit into a 2 GB one? what about 4 GB?

I'm trying to figure out which would be best for me.... I know I'd probably have only 1 movie in it (Sweeney Todd) and maybe in between 10-20 music videos...

but I know video would be the only thing in it since I already have an mp3 player used for music only....

and no one tell me to get an ipod... it's too expensive...




  1. An hour of movies is about 1 gig of hard drive space :) Hope this helps,

    I actually created a guide to help people find out more about mp4 players, and if you want you can see it at Since you're looking for a mainly video player, I don't think the products I sell would be the best choice for you, but it has some tips to make sure you get a good

  2. Well, it can depend on the video quality. For the movie alone, you'll probably and up using about 2GB, so I would recommend a 4GB mp4 player. One way to tell is to put all the videos into one folder on your computer and right-click on the folder and go to Properties. Then it will tell you the size on the hard drive. This will end up being very close to the same amount of space on the mp4 player. Another option is to get an iPod. I know you said not to suggest this, but eBay can be a good resource. Just make sure it has some sort of return policy.

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