
I got a questionn...!!?

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Im a vegetarian...wanting to go vegan

will it okay to eat ice cream..?

i no it has milk in it and everything but cows arent killed for there milk....right?




  1. Not if you are strictly vegan.

    Morally, vegans often avoid milk/eggs because of the conditions  the animals that produce them are subjected to.

    Environmentally, vegans often avoid milk/eggs because the gases emitted by cows/chickens contribute to the greenhouse effect.

    And health-wise, vegans often avoid milk/eggs because of the negative effects bacteria present in both can have on the body, especially when said milk/eggs are from cows fed antibiotics routinely.

  2. No, but I found the most wonderful product.  I like it better than ice cream.

    Rice Dream - made from milled rice.  no milk or sugar added.

    There is also a product made from soy, personally I don't care for it.  Rice Dream is carried at some grocery stores, but almost always at a good Health Food Store.  I recommend the Vanilla to try first.

  3. Vegans do not eat any animal or animal byproduct. If you ate icecream than you would still be vegetarian, but what is wrong with that? A label is simply to describe something about a person(the way they eat, what they believe, etc), if you do not fit into that label, than it would be pointless to describe yourself as such. It would be like someone saying they were Catholic, but they do not believe in God(you cannot have one without the other) if you do not believe in God then there is no way to be a Catholic, just like you cannot have a vegan that consumes dairy(it just doesn't make sense).

    There are so many alternatives to dairy. I am a vegetarian, but do not consume milk b/c of what I can only assume is an allergy or sensitivity to it(I've never been tested but I saw a definite change when I stopped consuming milk). There are quite a few dairy free ice creams that taste just as good. I personally enjoy ricedream/soydream, and tofuti's "ice cream" sandwiches. You may need to try a few brands and flavors to find one you really enjoy.

  4. Vegetarians do eat ice cream made from animal milk.

    Vegans do not eat ice cream from animal products.  Try rice milk, almond milk, or soy milk ice creams.

  5. Hey congrats on going vegan!

    Well, cows need to get pregnant inorder for it to produce milk. So they have to make the cow get pregnant and the mother gets taken away from her calf to be slaughtered and sold in a store... The calf needs it's mother...

    Thats why I'm also trying to become a vegan but I am taking breaks, because it's kind of hard. but vegans can't really eat Ice cream.. it's a dairy product, and as a vegan you can't really eat anything that came from an animal

    Here are some vegan recipes :)

    Just incase you need help, it helped me a little. It tells you how to be a vegan, it also gives tips and warnings.

    Good luck! :)

  6. no you cant sorry nothing that come from animals

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